Chapter 12

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*3rd person's POV*

Back at Buckingham Palace, trumpets began to play to announce the Queen will enter to see here beloved subjects of all of mousedom. However it was just a robot of the queen, still everyone clapped not knowing the reckless scheme that was about to happen. The clapping died down when the robot started to give a speech. "On this most August occasion, we are gathered here, not only to commemorate my sixty years as Queen, but to honor..." Ratigan began peeking through the curtains grinning, then back at Hiram who was controlling the robot by force as he was held at gun point. The toy maker was also speaking through the speaker to make it seems like it was really the Queen.

"...of true noble stature. I present to you, a statesmen among mice. A gifted leader. A crusader for justice. A majestic mountain of humility! And my new royal consort, Professor Ratigan!" The robot announced as Ratigan came from behind the curtains to reveal himself wearing a royal attire like he was some sort of...king. The audience gasped from them being absolutely horrified at what they were seeing. Even one kid from the crowd gave the mastermind a raspberry. Unbothered, Ratigan ignored the hatred he was receiving and continued to carry on.

"Thank you your Majesty. And now, as your new royal consort, I have a few slight suggestions," Ratigan said while pulling out a scroll from his robe, which unrolled like 10 feet away. He began to read it as he put on his glasses.

"Item one..."


Back at the waterfront, Basil whistles for Toby to come to their direction. Moments later the hound come running towards them. He then gives Olivia and Clara kisses, which they giggled from. "The games afoot Toby. Our Queen is in mortal danger!" Basil announced. Toby then starts growl out of anger, and kneels down to let the four on them get on.

"To Buckingham Palace!" Basil declared, and they were off to save their beloved Queen. Moments later, they arrived at their destination. As the we're running down the hall, they saw the sight of fidget about to feed the cat.

"Open wide!" Fidget exclaimed to Felicia, who immediately opened her mouth to soon be awaited to have the Queen as her meal. The Queen just had wide, terrified eyes. "Bye bye!" Just as Fidget was about to throw the Queen into the Feline's mouth, Basil came in just in time to seize the Queen out of the scum's grasp, which end up the poor bat to fall off the balcony and was about to be devoured by the cat who was clearly not caring who she was going to be have for her 'dinner.' Thankfully he managed to

"Down, down, Kitty, down!" He commanded while holding onto the railing.

All of a sudden a loud barking was heard from the distance. Just as the sound was getting closer, it appeared to be Toby charging at the Felicia. Terrified the cat started to run for it's life.


"Item 96, a heavy tax should be levied against all parasites and sponges. Such as the elderly, the infernal, and especially...little children," Ratigan continues to say, gazes upside down and smiles at the boy who gave the mastermind a raspberry. Just as his mother pulled her son away for protection, a man with a crutch under his arm came over to Ratigan to confront him.

"That's ridiculous! you're insane!" The man said

"...Perhaps I haven't made myself clear," Ratigan said who is now right side up, looking rather stern. He then took the man's crutch, causing him to fall over.

"I have the power!" Ratigan said, snapping the crutch in half.

"Of course you do," the robot agreed.

"I am supreme!"

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