Chapter 8

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*Clara's POV*

We soon made it back to Baker Street to an experiment on the piece of paper liaqFidgetaw had. Basil then examines the list with his magnifying glass

"Offhand, I can deduce very little. Only that the words are written with a broad pointed quilt pen which had spattered, twice. That the paper is of..." Basil goes on to say, then flows the paper into the air gently

"...native Mongolian manufacture, no watermark. And has..." he stops and smacks the paper with his lips several times

"...Been gummed, if I'm not very much in error." he then starts to sniff it

" a bat who has been drinking Rodents delight! A cheap brand sold only in the aspeediest pubs,' Basil finishes. I was Qabsolutely quite impressed. He may seem to come across as rude at first, but he is smart. Really smart

"Amazing!" Dawson exclaimed. I nod in agreement with a huge smile on my face

"Oh, not really doctor. We still don't know where it came from." Basil said as he looked for his tiny microscope. He then placed the paper under it

"Perhaps a close inspection will tell us something," Basil said. He starts to make the lens more in focus

"Hmmm, hmmm, hmmm. Coal dust. Clearly The type used in sewer lamps." Basil finished. Again, I was impressed. While Dawson was examining the microphone himself, I was thinking to myself. What if Basil could let me do other cases with him. I mean, we don't have to like-like each other, but it would still be nice. It would be very nice to stay with him. Basil then takes the list and holds it over a flame to let it burn. He puts the ashes into a mortar and crushed them with a pestle. While he was doing that I went over to ask him the question.

"Um, Basil I was-" I tried to say but was shushed by him

"Shh! Don't speak!" he whispered sternly. Maybe I shouldn't ask him. He must think female mice aren't capable of jobs like this. I frown at the thought. He then pours the ashes into a glass cup of yellow liquid, and then it turns blue. My eyes widen from the color change. Dawson and I examine the chemical, then Basil returns with a vile of red liquid

"Excuse me, Miss Clara," he said. I move the other way to let him do his experiment. He carefully holds the red chemical over the blue chemical

"Steady hand..." he murmurs as he lets a single drop fall in the glass. The color changes once more into purple. He sets it down, then turns on a tiny flame, causing a green chemical to slowly flow through the tub

"Yes, yes. Good, good. Come along, come along, come along, come along, come along, come along. Haha....yes, yes. Good, good. No bad. Good, good, oh no. Come along, come on. Yes come on," Basil murmurs eagerly for the green substance to come out. It hangs over for just a second, then it finally drops inside the bottle. Changing the color to red

"Ah-ha! We've done it you two!" Basil announced as he put his arms around us

"This reaction could only have been triggered by the paper's extreme saturation with distillation of sodium chloride!" he said, then moves away. I turn around to see that it turned clear. Both me and Dawson move closer to get a good look at it.

"Saltwater," I said with huge eyes

"Great Scott!" Dawson stated in amazement

"It proves beyond a doubt, this list came from the riverfront area," Basil said as he was looking for his set of maps. Find one and hangs it on the wall with a dart

"Ah, now steady on there, Basil," Dawson as he walked over to him

"No, no. Elementary my dear Dawson. We merely look for a seedy pub at rhetoric" he started, then puts another dart on to Mark somewhere on the map

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