Chapter 3

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*3rd person POV*

Inside the deep sewers of London. Flaversham is working on what appears to be a robot, pouring a cup a tea. Stressed, Flaversham is on the podium testing the robot. Ratigan gives an evil chuckle as he is standing by the door. "Quite an ingenious scheme eh Flaversham? And aren't you proud to be a part of it?" he says while pinching the toymaker's cheek.

"This whole thing...i-i-its monstrous!" He declared as the robot was pouring a spoonful of tea into the teacup

"We will have our device let ready by tomorrow evening, won't we? You know what will happen if" he said while ringing a tiny golden bell. Flaversham's demeanor changes from frightened, to angry.

"I-I-I don't care!" he cries out and jerks the controls, making the robot pour the whole tea that was in the pot on top of its head. It later throws the teapot towards Ratigan's direction but ducks down to prevent him from getting hit. The robot flails around one last time, then it finally stops moving, however, it squirts out oil, landing on the mastermind's coat. He glared at it and wipes away the stain.

Flaversham starts to say "You can do what you want with me! I won't be a part of this...this...this evil any longer!" Ratigan then just smiles at him while blowing out smoke from his cigarette.

"Mmm...very well. If that is your decision. Oh, uh, by the way, I'm taking the liberty of having your daughters brought here," he said while winding up Olivia's toy that she got on her birthday.

"O-Olivia? Clara!?" he asked with fear.

Ratigan then sets the toy down on the table "Yes. Hm-hm yes. I would spend many sleepless nights if anything unfortunate were to befall these young ladies," he said acting as if he cared for their welfare, but clearly, he didn't.

Flaversham's heart started to creep in with fear and despair. "Ye...Ye wouldn't!" he said fearfully. Ratigan then picks up the toy and squeezes it broken. He looks at it mournfully. His demeanor soon changes

"FINISH IT FLAVERSHAM!" he said in a threatening tone. Flaversham then turns around slowly and gets to work on fixing the broken robot.

Ratigan then walks away from the door, chuckling. "Oh, I love it when I'm nasty," he said while writing down a list. He then looks up at fidget, who is hanging in the doorway sleeping.

"Fidget?" Ratigan calls, however, Fidget is still in a deep sleep.

Frustrated, Ratigan calls Fidget again but louder. "FIDGET!"

The bat then wakes up from his slumber, startled, and rolls down the stairs. "Bright and alert as always. Here's the list," Ratigan said while handing Fidget the list that the criminal had just written. He continues saying "You know what to do, and no mistakes!"

"No, no. No mistakes, sir. Tools, gears, girls, uniforms-" Fidget said but was interrupted by Ratigan

"NOW FIDGET!" he yelled

"I'm going, I'm going! I'm going!" the bat said nervously while rushing to the drain gravel. He lifts it and is gone down below

Inside the barrel, it appears to be a huge ballroom. Ratigan then walks toward his throne, while being cheered by his henchmen. He sits down, holds out his cigarette, and about 7 matches are offered. He lights it and blows out some smoke. "My friends, we are about to embark on the most odious, the most evil, the most diabolical scheme of my illustrious career. A crime to top all crimes. A crime that will live in infamy!" he exclaimed and his men cheered for him. Though there was one mouse, Bartholomew, who was more interested in being focused on his empty mug. Turning it upside down, he frowned when there was no liquor in it. The only thing that was in it was a single drop. Ratigan holds up a newspaper, which has the Queen on the front page.

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