Chapter 4

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*Clara's POV*

Olivia and I just finished telling Basil about what happened, which he now seems to give our attention to. I hold on to my sisters shoulders to keep her safe, i'm not sure why tho.

"This case is most intriguing with its multiplicity of twists and turns," Basil said while pacing back and forth.

"Now you're certain you two have told me everything? The slightest detail may be important," he asked as he turned to us.

"It's just as we said, and then our Father was gone," Olivia said to the detective

"What do you make of it?" Dawson asked Basil as he smoke from his pipe.

"Hmm. Ratigan's up to something. A crime of the most sinister nature no doubt." Basil begins as Olivia follows him.

"The question is...what would he want with a toymaker?" He asked himself, while still smoking his pipe. All of a sudden I hear Olivia screaming. All three of us turn to the window, and what we see is that bat that took our father outside of the window! Terrified, I picked Olivia up immediately and held her close in my arms.

"That's the guy!" I shout.

"Quickly Dawson, we've not a moment to lose!" Basil announced as he ran out the door

"Uh-uh, I'm right behind you Basil!" Dawson said while running after Basil. I was curious, so I ran after them, while still holding Olivia. As I got out, I see Basil looking around to see if our fiend was anywhere in sight. He then kneels to examine the footprints that Fidget had left behind.

"No sign of the blackguard anywhere," Dawson said

"Not quite Dawson. He left some rather unusual footprints. They obviously belong to the same fiend who abducted the girls' father, Ratigan's peg-legged lackey," said Basil, still kneeling down. I put Olivia down, but still held her hand so she was kept close. I then spotted the hat that the bat had previously worn. I picked it up and went to show it to Basil.

"Uh...Basil?" I said to him

Basil walks over to me and sees that I have the hat. He looks at me with excitement in his eyes. He then snatches it out of my hand.

"A-ha! Excellent work my lady! Ha, ha, ha!" He exclaimed as he hugged me, spinning me around. Basil rushes to the house with the hat in his possession. I just stand there even more flustered than ever. 'Did he actually hug me?'

"Clara are you ok?" Olivia asked me concerned, interrupting my thoughts. I shake my head to get back into reality

"Oh-oh-oh yes I'm fine!" I said. Olivia then gives me a playful smirk and giggles

"Seriously Olivia I'm fine," I said in a stern tone. She tugs on my skirt, wanting me to come down to her level. I kneel down and she comes closer to my ear

"I think you like himmm," she whispered. I shush at her in response and she giggles playfully. We then head back to Basil's house, to which i see Mrs. Judson waiting inside. Olivia was still was a little nervous and was looking around the street

"Now there's nothing to be afraid of my dear ," She reassured, trying to calm her down. Dawson then enters the house and says.

"The scoundrels quite gone," Dawson said to Olivia and me.

"Ha-ha! But not for long, Miss and little Flamhammer!" Basil said while taking off his purple robe, just to put on his brown jacket.

"Flaversham!" Olivia and I said to him, furiously. He can at least pronounce our name right for god's sake.

"Whatever. Now, we simply pursue our peg-legged friend until he leads us to the girls' father," Basil said.

"Then you'll get our daddy back?" Olivia asked with glee in her eyes, hugging him tightly

"Yes!" Basil said, shocked by the embrace. I chuckled

"And quite soon, if I'm not mistaken," he finishes while adjusting the collar that was on his coat. I walk over to him to thank him.

"Thank you so much, Mr. Basil. You don't know how much my sister and I appreciate you for your help." I said.

"The pleasure is all mine, my dear Clara," Basil said, kissing my hand. I could've sworn time had just stopped. I was on cloud 9 by now. That was then that i started to feel...well...feelings for this handsome, yet imbecile of a mouse. Basil himself snaps back into reality and immediately feels bashful.

"I um...I'm so sorry if I went too far." He said looking down.

"No, it's...alright sir," I said smiling at him. He slightly looks up at me and smiles back. I could see in Olivia's eyes that she is just in pure joy watching this romantic moment. We stared at each other for a few seconds until Basil clears his throat, regaining his composure.

"Now, hurry Dawson. We must be off to Toby's," he said while putting on his cape, which was previously on a suit of armor. As well as the hat

"Toby's?" Dawson asked, wondering who this Toby was.

"Oh, you must meet him. He's just the chap for this," Basil said

"You-you want me to come?" the doctor asked

"Ha! I should think a stout-hearted army mouse like you would leap at the chance for adventure." Basil said as he holds his magnifying glass.

"Well, heh, heh. I am rather curious," Dawson said, excited about the adventure he will endeavor

"Wait for us! We're coming too!" Olivia announced as she grabbed her hat, causing the violin to be knocked over. I then rushed over to prevent it from falling on the ground, but I also see Basil doing the same thing. We both dived down and caught the violin, as our eyes met

"What?! Certainly not! This is no business for children or a beatif- I mean young ladies!" Basil stammered and sets the violin back on the chair.

"Are we going to take a cab?" Olivia asked as she stuffed cheese crumpets in her pocket, clearly ignoring him.

Basil, who is annoyed at my sister, takes her arm and turns her around so she is facing him. " dear, I don't think you understand. It will be quite dangerous," he said. Just before he tried to sit down, I tried to warn him about his beloved instrument.

"Oh, Mr. Basil your-"

But he doesn't hear me and sits on it without hearing my warning.

"...violin" I finished

He pulls out his broken instrument, grunting. "Why you-look at..." Basil said, trying to keep his cool. He takes a deep breath and finally finishes what he is going to say.

"Young ladies, you two are most definitely not accompanying us. And that is final!" he exclaims. Me being stubborn, I was most definitely not taking no for an answer

"No sir. I'm afraid I will not take no for an answer. This is our father you are saving. My only living parent! I can't rest a minute with not being able to see him again. I will watch Olivia and keep her by my side. You must take us with you and Dawson. For the love of god I beg you!" Basil started to open his mouth but I immediately shut him down

"We will be going. Whether you like it or not," I said firmly, while having my hands on my hips. He closes his mouth and sighs

"F-f-fine," Basil said in defeat. "But you must not cause any trouble. Understand?

"Of course Mr, Basil." Olivia said with a smile.

"You won't regret this sir!" I said as I gave him a playful salute. He Chuckles slightly.

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