1 // Anchor

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I've never found darkness and silence so comforting. That was before every night's sleep came with a nightmare. Every single night for the last two weeks. I fell asleep and woke up about 6 times tonight, and the one dreamless sleep I get has been disrupted by a huge bang against my wall. Before I had the chance to yell at Isaac and Scott, Melissa beat me to it claiming that the two "supernatural teenage boys are testing her completely supernatural level of patients".

Maybe I should just put myself out of my misery. Despite the tempting offer I decided to just settle for getting up out of the bed. It is our first day back at school for goodness sake, it deserves at least an attempt. Minimal attempt. As in messy bun, leggings, Isaac's crewneck minimal attempt. Everything was going fine. This morning was completely normal until I could feel the temperature in my room drop to freezing, to the point of me being able to see my breath. I grab all of my stuff to head out before heading downstairs to bring it to melissa's attention.

"Hey, Melissa the thermostat is broken again-" But for the first time when I walk out of my room I see.. the hospital? Specifically, the destroyed or evacuated hospital from when we came to save Cora from the twins. I try to turn around to go back into my room but it was replaced by an elevator. So much for a dreamless night. I did the only thing I could do, I played along. "Melissa? Scott?" I call down the empty hallway as I walk through it. It seems like I'm the only one here, which considering what happened the last time might be a good thing.

I continued walking until I found the only open room. Lucky for me it was the morgue. Arguably the absolute worst place to be, cause of dead bodies. Still, I felt drawn to it, so against every bone in my body telling me to run I walk in. As soon as I do I find out why. Only one of the mortuary cabinets was labeled and slightly open. Just my luck it was labeled John Lahey, Isaac's dad. He's been dead for almost a year. You would think he would be cremated or buried, I mean he did own a cemetery. Out of morbid curiosity, I walk over to open it, and surprisingly (not) it was empty. He was probably just the last one in there. These things really are deep. The closer I lean in the deeper it gets, and at the end, it seems like something is crawling toward me. Oh my god, it that- that's Mr. Lahey!

I quickly shut and lock the door before he has the chance to get out. I need to get the hell out of here. I manage to stumble out of the morgue and into, school? The chatter of students floods my ears, the bright fluorescent lights blind my eyes, while Lydia's concerned face fills my vision. "Hey, are you okay?" Lydia asks.

"I could've sworn I was-" Maybe this isn't a dream, they usually end with you waking up in your own bed not walking into school with no recollection of how you got there. I would chalk it up to sleepwalking if I had fallen asleep in the first place.

Lydia begins dragging me all around school looking for Scott, or Stiles. Since I stumbled in by myself, it's safe to say neither of them gave me a ride. We were finally able to find them talking in the quad. "It's happening to you too. You're seeing things, aren't you?" Stiles states as we walk up, giving us all the information we need.

"How'd you know?" Scott questions him.

"Because it's happening to all three of you." Lydia intrudes.


"Well, well, well, look who's no longer the crazy one."

"We're not crazy Lydia." I groan as the four of us walk back into the school. "Sleep deprived? Yes. Unhinged? Maybe. But not crazy."

"Hallucinating? Sleep paralysis? Yeah, you guys are fine." Granted she's not wrong, but at least I can still say that I don't go out unknowingly seeking out dead bodies, making her still the crazy one by default.

"We did die and come back to life, That's gotta have some side effects, right?" Scott points out as if we all hadn't been acutely aware of the fact.

"Well, what are we supposed to do? We're falling apart and first period hasn't even started yet." I announce to the group. Our conversation was interrupted by the first bell.

"We keep an eye on each other. Okay?" Stiles explains the game plan to the rest of us. We all nod in agreement before the boys head off to English while Lydia and I go to meet Isaac and Allison for art. "And Lydia stop enjoying this so much!" He calls over his shoulder. She looks at me with mock hurt spread across her face.

"What'd I Do?"

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