3 // Galvanize

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For the fifth time tonight I hear my door creak open. Isaac's chest rumbles underneath my head while he and Scott shared a hushed conversation before the door shut, undoubtably to be open again in a few minutes. "Please go before I kill both of you." I mutter without even opening my eyes to look at him.

"No, I'm good. I wanna be here." He responds, lightly pulling me closer as if I was going to disappear out from under him. I wanted to take his word for it but every five seconds he'd shift, pretty much vibrating with energy.

I frustratingly sit up pulling my self from his grasp, staring at his silhouette I could make out from the moon light pouring through my window. "Isaac go. I'll be okay I promise."

Ever since we'd found Malia everyone's side effects have more or less disappeared. Stiles can read again, Scott no longer has Wolf performance issues, and from what I can tell, all of my time has been accounted for as of late. I've been letting Isaac be my keeper as a sort of apology for avoiding him, but no matter what anyone tells him, he doesn't seem to be very convinced.

"I can't just leave you alone. Melissa picked up an extra shift so I'm here. I never really wanted to go anyways."

"Are you kidding? I've had to hear the three of you plan out coaches birthday for weeks." I remind him. "If I have to hear the two of them bitch and moan about me making you stay my head might actually explode. So please."

Isaac makes a move to get out of bed but looks back at me in hesitation. "You sure you're okay?" His words full of concern but hopeful and the same time.

"I'll catch a ride with Allison and Lydia and I'll meet you there in the morning." I promise him. His quick and sudden kiss caught me off guard as practically hopped out of bed to get dressed.

I sink back into my warm bed and shut my eyes, breathing in the lingering sent of his cologne. Found comfort in the fact that I'll get a couple hours of uninterrupted sleep before having to get up for the day. Last thing I remember before falling back asleep was feeling a soft kiss placed on my head followed by an "I love you" right before Isaac slipped out the door.
"Ethan and Aiden are here." Lydia announced her presence, leaning against the locker directly beside mine. We arrived a bit early so Lydia could drop something off to a teacher. I had took the time to ditch all the materials I didn't need for my first few classes.

"How could you possibly know that? I saw you like five seconds ago." I muttered flipping through my backpack to make sure nothing was missed.

"I just saw them in the parking lot talking to Scott, Stiles, and Isaac." Her attempt to seem unbothered on the subject came off as more intrigued to me than anything else but that could be because I know her and Aiden's history. "Seemed intense."

"So this isn't a Banshee thing, it's a nosy thing." I joke peering over at her long enough to see her roll her eyes, smacking her lips in annoyance.

"I just thought you'd want to know, nothing good seems to happen whenever they show up." Now that she mentioned it, I have had a sort of unsettled feeling since stepping foot on campus. I had just chalked it up to Halloween/mischief night and my hatred of being scared, but I guess this works too.

I shut my locker and we try to navigate the halls, weaving through the buzzing teens who have been up since Good knows when. We barely dodge the stampeding students rampaging down the hall leaving trails of toilet paper in their wake. "You don't think they're coming back to school, do you?"

"Doubt it. Two omegas without a pack? They're vulnerable on their own. They wouldn't do something that stupid without some serious alternative motives."

"Think that's what they were talking to the boys about?"

Before I had the chance to answer, there was a familiar yelp from the double doors behind us. "All right, that's my face!" Stiles scolded our rowdy peers who had hit him in the face with a roll of toilet paper just as he and Scott entered the building.

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