Gotta Crack a few Eggs to Make an Omlet

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If anything, it was abundantly clear that we needed track Malia down, tonight. Before animal control or, God forbid, her own father hunts down and kills her. Stiles and Scott dropped Isaac and I off at Allison's then left to meet Lydia and the twins at Derek's Loft. "I still don't get why we couldn't go with them." Isaac complained. We stepped on to the elevator to be brought up to Allison's Penthouse.

"Something about pack mentality. In order to protect himself he'll have to shift. If not he'll get his ass kicked."

Isaac shifts uncomfortably, the thought of his alpha being attacked itching at the back of his head. I know because I have it to."You think they'd do that?"

"Ethan and Aiden?" I laugh, imagining that they came up with the idea. "Absolutely."

"And you trust them?"

"About as far as I can throw them, but I don't see another option." With a ding the elevator doors slide open revealing the familiar hallway. "Allison?" I call into the seemingly empty apartment, but Allison's voice quickly fill my ears.

"In here!" She responds from her dads office. We walk in on a scene that would seem suspicious to anyone outside of our friend group. A two foot long tranquilizer gun lays flat on the desk along with a couple dozen syringes and tranquilizer darts. Isaac sets the box filled with small bottles of Xylazine next to them.

"Anything we can help with?" I offer watching her grab a bottle and examine it.

"Well you can start by helping me get a bunch of these," she holds the bottle in one and and picks up a dart in the other, "into these."

The urge for Isaac to tease her was so strong I could basically feel him vibrating next to me. "A bunch? What happened to 'one shot' Allison?"

"We've all been a little distracted lately, I figured having a few backups couldn't hurt."

Isaac smirks, shaking his head lightly. "Maybe your just out of practice." He pushes further. Allison's insecure gaze apron the floor became a harden glare focused on him alone.

"Are you offering?" She snaps causing Isaac's smile to drop instantly.

"Ignore him." I order pushing past the two of them. I grab a syringe off the table and hand it to her. "Show us how."

After two or three Isaac began to get the hang of it but I was still struggling. To every three they made I made one, my hands jut won't stop shaking!
"Do you think you guys can hone in on Malia? If not, we're going to be in the woods for a very long time..." Allison asks, diverting my focus even farther.

"I've got a pretty good lock on her scent. It's actually kind of strong." Isaac explains to her.

"What is it?" The two of us look at each other knowingly before he answered.

"Pee." After a second of of disgusted processing, she made the smart assumption that she needs no further information.

With my attention split between their conversation and trying to get the syringe in the bottle, I accidentally stab myself in the finger. "Dammit!" I instinctively drop both sticking the assaulted finger tip into my mouth, simultaneously hoping that the saliva would stop the stinging and that these are new needles.

"You okay?" Isaac pulls at my hand to examine it but by that time it was healed and the blood was wiped away. Instead of answering I quickly bent down to pick up what I dropped. I set the syringe and bottle back on the desk, but as I stand up I quickly noticed that I was not where I'm supposed to be.

Instead the office, when I open my eyes im suddenly staring at a front door. A door I've walked through probably a million times before. My door... back in Seattle. "Dammit." I mutter. We don't have any time to loose, I can't afford to be trapped in my mind right now.

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