4 // Illuminated

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I had to leave the power station before the cops got there. As we were waiting, I got a panicked call from Allison that something had happened to Isaac. Scott let me use his dirt bike to get there.

As soon as I made it to their floor I began banging on their door. "Allison? Allison let me in! Allison!" Before I had the chance to kick the door down, it opens slightly revealing Mr. Argent. "Where is he?"

"He's going to be fine, he just-" I immediately push past him forcing my way into the apartment. 'Going to be' isn't good enough. "Rowan wait a second!"

"Isaac? Allison?"

"We're in here!" I followed Allison's voice down the hall to her room. Isaac was sat on the floor in front of her bed. His breathing was heavy and his eyes were panicked. He looked like he'd been crying. Allison sat across looking at him worriedly.

"What's wrong?" I get down to his level and reach out to touch him but I immediately pull way. Though he was drenched with sweat, touching him was like touching an ice sculpture. "What happened?"

No body said anything. The two  of them give a glance at the doorway. It was quick but enough for me to follow their gaze to Allison's dad before he disappeared back into the hallway. "Isaac, you can tell me if something happened."

I reach towards him again. I go to smooth his damp curls from his eyes but he grabs me by the wrist, stopping me. The cold sent a shiver down my spine but I didn't pull away this time. "Nothing happened, I'm fine." I look to Allison for some clarity but she avoided eye contact at all costs.

"But Allison said-"

"I just wanna go home." His voice broke off at the end. He seemed so fragile and I didn't wanna push. Allison helped me get him up and down to the bike. Isaac and I didn't exchange anymore words the rest of the night. Once we got home, Isaac went straight to his room and shut the door behind him. No one heard from him the rest of the night.
Somehow after everything that has happened in the last 24 hours we still ended up at school the next day. No mass murder nor power outage can close Beacon Hills High School apparently. After last night I'm pretty sure Isaac and Allison have been avoiding me. Isaac was gone by the time I woke up this morning and I haven't see either of them on campus yet.

After driving us to school Lydia had to go help her mom set up for class, she's our new biology teacher. Other than her, the first person I see at school is Stiles. He was standing next to his open locker observing something in his hands. "Whatcha looking at?" I ask over his shoulder, startling him to the point where he almost dropped it.

"Jesus Rowan!" He scolded me. "Nothing. It's nothing. What's up?" He shoves whatever it was into his pocket and shuts his locker.

"Have you seen Isaac?"

"No, I figured he'd be with you. What happened last night anyway?"

"I don't know! They wouldn't tell me, and now I'm being avoided."

"Huh, weird." As the doors to the school open, Scott enters. We wave to greet him but he looked right past us at Kira who was standing at the other end of the hall like a deer in headlights. As he began to approach her she basically ran away. We managed to pull him aside before he could pass us. "No. No, stop! Stop!"

"What? I need to talk to her." Scott protests trying to pull away.

"Scott, you need to remember someone left a coded message telling Barrow to kill her." I reminded him but he wouldn't budge.

"Which is why I need to talk to her-"

"Scott, no way!" Stiles demands. "Until we figure out if she's just another psychotic monster that's going to start murdering everybody, I vote against any and all interaction!"

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