The key

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Stiles was basically vibrating by the time we got to him. More than usual. This wasn't his typical adhd influenced behavior, with or without the adderall. This was something deeper. I didn't get any sleep last night, none of us did, but stiles looks like he hadn't slept in weeks. His hair was messy, his clothes disoriented, and dark circles began to set in around his eyes.

I was so busy taking is his appearance I hadn't caught the first part of his story as he led us through the classroom. "So then, she starts talking about phosphors, and the key having chemicals on it, right? And so that made me think of the chemistry closet, and the fact that someone had to let Barrow in." Once we made our way to the front Stiles turns to the chalkboard to find that whatever he'd wanted to show us was no longer there.

"It's gone..." he mumbled in confusion, more to himself then us. "Okay, it doesn't matter though. It doesn't matter. I've still got the key-" Stiles pats down his pockets but comes up empty handed.

"What the hell?" He charges his book bag for his keychain when he pulls it out there were only two keys on it. One to his house and the other for the Jeep. "I had it-- I had it here. I had it here this morning, I swear to God, I had it this morning."

"The key you were talking about last night?" Scott chimed in instantaneously gaining both of our attention. His confirmation being the only thing that could save this story. 

"Yeah. I showed it to you, right? Didn't I show it to you?"

"No, you just told me about it. I never actually saw it."

Stiles stops and thinks for a moment. Next thing I knew his intense gaze was burning a hole into my face. "Yesterday morning, I was by the lockers with it in my hands. You saw me!" I hesitated with my answer. With the look of desperation in his eyes, I had half a mind to lie. But I couldn't do that to him.

"I saw you shove something in your pocket, but I didn't see-" before I could finish my sentence Stiles had slumped into the nearest desk, the two of us crowded around him.

"I was here a couple hours ago. And the message left to Barrow spelling Kira's name was right there on the board in my handwriting, and I had the key to the chemistry closet." Stiles buried his face in his hands, muffling the words as they came tumbling out.

Scott looks at me warily before speaking. "So, you unlocked the chemistry closet so Barrow could hide in in from the cops, and then you wrote him a message to kill Kira?"

"I know how it sounds, but look at this." Stiles groans in frustration. He pulls out his phone and pulls up a news article to show us. "This is the news report that came out about Barrow when they caught him, okay? About the shrapnel bomb that he used. See this? He put nuts, bolts, and screws, and then he hid the bomb and the detonator in a box that he wrapped as a birthday present. What does that sound like to you?"

"The joke we played on Coach." Scott answers almost immediately.

"That was my idea. You remember? That was my idea. That's no coincidence. It can't be." The two of them were silent for a beat. Scott can't possibly be thinking about this. Believe that Stiles is capable of doing anything that would directly put anyone in danger let alone Kira of all people. Though the contemplative look on his face suggested other wise.
"Wait, you guys. Come on!" I intercept their train of thought before they could spiral any farther. I kneel in front of the desk Stiles sat at and took his trembling hands in mine to steady them. "We've known each other our whole lives, okay? Now i know better than to try to tell you that you're wrong Stiles, but at the same time I don't think you're trying to kill anybody, either."

"It was here. It was all here." He whispered to no one in particular. In that moment I saw him for what felt like the first time in forever. Truly saw him. His eyes held such anguish, and pain, and fear. Beyond all that I could tell something lied behind, broken or breaking. It's so obvious I can't see how we'd missed it before.

Scott gently grabbed his shoulder. "Dude, are you feeling okay? You're looking really tired."

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just haven't been sleeping, really." Stiles admitted. He'd swiped at his nose and blinked back the tears that threatened to spill over. Seeing him like this had my heart crack wide open.

"I think Lydia is heading out early, why don't you have her take you home? Take a sick day, or something?" I suggested. "I'll make sure the Jeep gets back to you."

Stiles just gave me a silent nod before unhooking the car key from his keychain and handing it to me. He shouldered his book bag and walked out without speaking another word or sparing us a glance.

"Do you think we're bad friends?" I asked Scott once the door clicked shut behind him. The warning bell for the next period had chimed so we gather our stuff and begin heading for the door.

"I think he's just got a lot on his mind, you know? We all do."

"But he's human. I think we sometimes forget that."

"Yeah maybe." Was all he said as he reached for  the door. First things we see when it opened are the nosy twins.

"Did you tell him?" Ethan asks as we shove past them into the busy hall.

"No. He's got enough to worry about right now." Scott declared as if a warning not to bring it up to him either.

"If they're coming for you two in a few hours, then so do you." Aiden chimed in.

"What if it's not us? Okay, what if we're not the one they want?"

"Who else is there?" Aiden questioned. As if in answer Kira walked past us, making a quick stop at her locker before disappearing into a classroom. Scott and I exchange a knowing look. This protection detail just got a bit more complicated.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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