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I guess this is our lives now. One where we are threatened by shadow ninjas with swords and then a couple hours later we're back at school like nothing happened, at least that's what it might look like from the outside. No one seemed to notice the bags under our eyes, when we double take at passing shadows, or the fact that Scott, Kira, and I were never alone for more than 5 seconds as if we were going to evaporate at any given second.

So I've taken to the backstairs of the school. Closed off enough that not too many students know of it's existence but, thanks to a decent sized window, enough sunlight to not fear the shadow ninjas. I needed time away from the constant stares and monitoring.

It had been 15 minutes since the last time someone opened the doors to the stairwell. Each time I peer through the railings just to prove to myself that there's no danger. The next time I hear the door swing open I see a male figure rush in a shut the door behind him. It was only when he turned away from the door, eyes closed and sighing in relief did I recognize him to be Scott.

"Are you in hiding too?" I ask innocently enough but his eyes shot open as he tilted his head in my direction. The panic and fear in his eyes quickly melted away into relief and annoyance.

"Jesus Row, don't do that." He grumbled running a hand threw his hair. "Ethan and Aiden are driving me crazy."

"Their just trying to keep you safe." I try to remind him. He wanders up the first set of stairs and sits next to me on the landing with a huff.

Silence. We stay their for a minute enjoying the rare peace. Still I couldn't help but cringe as students pass by, as I did every time I spot a shadow under the door. "You know they can't get you here right."

"The twins or the ninjas?" I mock. An attempt to ease the tension in the otherwise too tight feeling stairwell.

"Ninjas." He chuckled. At the joke or the insane idea that we would potentially be facing off with ninjas of all things, I'm not sure. "From the way they disappeared this morning, Argent believes they can only come out at night."

He's referring to the meeting he and Isaac had with Allison and her father before school today. Instead of being here Isaac and Allison went with her dad to go meet up with one of his old employers. Apparently they've faced this thing before, and they have the weapon we need to stop it. Isaac had sworn, more to himself than me, they'd be back before nightfall.

"The twins on the other hand are standing right outside." I listen for a second and sure enough I could hear the two of them going back and forth about whether or not being killed by Scott was worth disturbing us. The two of us laugh quietly at their bickering, the air easing its grip a little.

I loop my arm through his, and rest my head on his shoulder. The effects of not sleeping suddenly weighing on me. "I'm worried." I admit to him. "We've fought monsters before but this is different. Feels different."

"Nothings gonna happen to you." He covers my hands with one of his, running his thumb along the back of my hand. "I'm gonna protect you. I'm gonna protect all of us."

I wanted to fight him on it. Try to drill into his head that it wasn't a burden he had to bear alone. That we're all responsible for each other. But I didn't want to fight him. I was too exhausted. So we sat in silence yet again.

It was short lived as our phones both dinged with a message. I sit up pulling my phone out of my back pocket. "It's from Stiles" I unlocked my phone to view the message he'd sent to the group chat containing both of us.

Stiles: Meet me in the chemistry lab! Now!

Scott looks up at me from his phone. "We gotta go." We quickly gathered our stuff and rushed out of the stairway. Ethan and Aiden fell into step behind us. Close enough that I could've sword I could feel them breathing down our necks. I can see why Scott was hiding from them.

So close in fact that when we arrive outside the classroom door, Aiden slams into my back not expecting the sudden stop. He catches me by the waist to keep me from falling onto the ground but I quickly bat him away once I was steady. My glare forcing him back a step with his hands up.

"We need to talk to Stiles and let him know everything that happened last night, without you." Scott announced ignoring the incident. The two out them instantly fall into a fit.

"No!" Aiden scoffs.

"Yes. And I don't want you listening in. No wolf-hearing." The two of them exchange glances once more as Aiden asked,

"How would you even know?"

"I'm a True Alpha you have no idea what I can do." We hadn't given them a chance to respond before entering and slamming the door behind us.

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