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One short discussion later we determined that no one was in any immediate danger, well at least not tonight, so we all went home. Scott stopped by the house for a bit but only to clean up before leaving again. Apparently Kira's dad wanted him over for dinner as a thank you for saving her from the coyote accident.

Melissa is still at work and no one has seen Rafe since they fled the school, leaving Isaac and I alone in the house. We sat on the couch in the living room together, my legs thrown over his while I type away at the laptop Scott and I shared for school. Allison sent over some pages of the bestiary so I could help her translate with the powers of Google translate. It wasn't exact by any means but close enough to get the gist.

"Where'd Scott go?" Isaac asked me.

"He's at Kira's for dinner." I reminded him not bothering to look up in attempt to maintain my focus. He had been fidgeting underneath me for a minute now, I had assumed he'd just got bored on his phone and was just trying to fill the silence.

"So what? Are they like, a thing now?" I sneak a glance at his face in between typing words but he wasn't looking at me. His eyes were glued to the tv even though it wasn't on, and his jaw looked like he hadn't unclenched it since we left the school.

"No, but they're definitely into each other." His fingers that we're keeping a steady beat on my calf began to speed up anxiously with every passing second. "Why? Don't you like her?"

"The timings just weird." He mumbled. "Things were quiet, well as quiet as it gets around here. But then her family shows up and all of a sudden the twins are back, we had a were coyote running around, and now there's a murder on the loose whose probably hunting is down."

Trust was not a common thing Isaac was willing to give out. Even as kids he had never been a fan of strangers. He always had enough pessimism for the both of us. It's my job to balance him out.

He'd never admit this but ever since he'd joined the pack, he's had this over whelming need to protect not just me and Scott, but everyone. Which is extremely hard to do when someone always seems to be on the brink of death.

I quickly finish up the sentence I'm on and hit save before shutting the computer and setting it aside. He payed me no attention until I grabbed a hold of his fidgeting hand, pulling it into my lap. His intense blue eyes immediately turned apologetic. "I didn't mean to stop you from working."

I waved him off. "Don't worry about it, it was giving me a headache anyways." I scoot closer to him so I could wrap my arms around his torso and lay my head on his chest. He surrounds my body in both arms with ease. "As far as Kira goes, the girl is practically afraid of her own shadow. I highly doubt that she's the mastermind behind all of this, if there even is one."

"Well I don't like how she's attaching herself to you, or Scott." He's reaching now. I think he's coming to realize that his paranoia maybe miss placed.

"Isaac it's a school crush! And I sought her out. She was having trouble making friends and I wanted to be nice. I wouldn't bring her around if I thought she was dangerous."

He taps my shoulder causing me to look up at him. Our faces inches apart. His eyes were less suspicious but still worrisome. "Promise me you'll be careful?"

"Always." I nod sealing the promise with a quick kiss. When I pulled back I noticed that most of the tension in his face melted away as he regained his laidback composure.

"Anything I can help with in here?" He asked plopping the computer back into my lap.

"Let's see, do you happen to know Latin?" I retort as the computer began to boot back up.

"No, but I can look at pictures." He smiles cheekily down at me. Considering the fact that I don't know Latin either I welcomed the help. I swung my feet to the ground and settled into his side. He kept one arm around my shoulders as he peered nosily over my shoulder.
Isaac and I searched for hours but all we found was a reference to flies being messengers for the dead and Beelzebub, the lord of the flies, before we gave up and started watching movies until we passed out. When I woke up the tv was still blaring but it was a movie I didn't recognize.

I somehow managed to squirm my way out of Isaac's arms and replace myself with a pillow, without waking him. As I turned the tv down my phone began to ring. Stiles name flashed across the screen. "Hello?" I whispered into the phone as I move into the kitchen.

"Rowan, Lydia was right! Barrow was at the school!" He practically screams into my ear. If I wasn't awake before I sure as hell am now.

"Wait what?"

"He was at the school and he's after Kira! You have to tell Scott!"

I could actually feel the moment my heart dropped into the pit of my stomach. "Stiles, Scott and Kira are together. They're at her house."

There was a long silence followed by the screeching of what I could only assume are the jeeps tires. "We're coming to get you." Was all he said, then the call ends.

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