Be your own anchor

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After hearing that Scott's dad was the one trying to get Stiles' dad fired Scott when into over drive and demanded that Stiles drive us home. When we pulled up we could clearly see Uncle Rafe's car sitting in the driveway. Scott couldn't even wait for the car to stop before jumping out and storming into the house.

I thank Stiles for the ride before running in after him. The unavoidable argument had already started by the time I got there. "That doesn't make any sense, Dad. Who are you helping?" I hear Scott yell as soon as I walk in. As angry as I am with Uncle Rafe, I've learned not to get in the middle of argument s between the two of them. They're both so stubborn the argument just goes in circles, usually until Aunt Melissa comes to break them up. "Just get out."

Uncle Rafe takes a deep breath and tries to return to a calm demeanor, but he just can't. One think Scott prides himself on is knowing how to press his dad's buttons. "Scott-" He sighs but was of coarse cut off.

"I can't believe that you'd do this to my best friend!"

"I'm not doing anything to your friend! I'm doing my job!"

"Your job sucks." I glare at him as I pass to get to the kitchen. I grab some chips and sit at the table where I continue to watch this all unfold.

"Some days I can't argue that." Uncle Rafe admits. He rubs his face in exhaustion, he no doubt just got in from where ever the hell this case takes him.

"Can somebody tell me what the hell is going on?" Aunt Melissa says announcing her presence, because clearly no one else noticed her come in.

"He's trying to get Stiles' dad fired." I inform her as I pop another chip into my mouth.

Uncle Rafe turns to glare at me. "No." He shushes before spinning back around to her. "That's not true."

"What are you doing?" She asks him, walking farther into the house. She puts her keys and purse down on the table where I sat, and watched her ex husband with disapprovement with her hands on her hips.

"Conducting a case for impeachment."

"That sounds a lot like getting him fired."

"The lack of resolution and ability to close cases is what's going to get him fired." His temper flares up to defend himself from the three of us ganging up on him. "My job is just to collect the information. And it's the job my superiors have given me."

"Your job sucks." I lightly laugh to myself when I hear her say what I had not to long ago.

I was so busy eating my chips and enjoying the show, I didn't notice Scott's breathing change. Which every breath his exhale was harder. I did however notice his claws slowly making their way out of his hands. No, no, no! Not now! "Scott!" I warn jumping out of my seat. He doesn't heed my warning though. His breaths continued to get harder and faster.

Melissa did though. She followed my line of vision as was able to get between the two of them. "Scott, sweetheart. Calm down." She takes his hand in her's and brings it up so he could see his claws but was blocking it with her body. "Come with me right now. Both of you."

She leads Scott out of the kitchen and over by the stairs while I follow close behind. Once we where out of view I held Scott in place against the wall to try to prevent him from hurting anyone or himself.

Since he's an alpha I definitely can't hold him forever. Maybe if Isaac were here to help we'd stand a chance, but he's not. So we're gonna have to figure out a way to calm him down fast.  "Scott, let it go. You have to let it go."

"I'm trying." Scott growls as he continues to groan in pain. His eyes flicker between dark brown and red as he fights to maintain control.

"You two told me you and Stiles learned a way to control this. You find an anchor, right?" Melissa asks trying to help. I immediately try to stop her but she insists. "Find your anchor." That should do it.

"My anchor was Allison." He groans hitting his head on the wall. In the short time he opens his eyes they turn from brown to red and back to brown. "I don't have Allison anymore."

Melissa looks to me with concern so I decided that it was time to fill her in. If her son is gonna be shifting uncontrollably and unpredictability, she should probably know. "Since they broke up Scott's been having a tough time. Since we did what we did to get you guys back- well it's not exactly helping." Scott try's to pull his hands away but I pin them back to the wall, pulling more on my wolf strength.

"Then be your own anchor." Causing us both to look at her. An anchor is a strong emotional tether to a person, keeping you grounded. Never considered that you could be that for yourself. "You can do this."

Scott looks at me trying to confirm if that's possible but I just shrug. Couldn't hurt to try, even if it's a temporary solution. Scott stops fighting me and closes his eyes, taking a deep breath. After a moment his claws retract back into his hands and when his eyes open they stay their natural brown.

"Sweetheart, let me tell you something no teenager ever believes, but I swear to you is the absolute truth." Melissa says as I move out of the way so she can get to him. She wipes some sweat off his brown before holding both his hands in hers. "You fall in love more than once. It'll happen again. And it'll be just as amazing and as extraordinary as the first time. And maybe just as painful. But it will happen again, I promise. And until then be your own anchor."
After the heated argument and close call everyone went to their mutual corners. My mutual corner was my room... on my bed...with Isaac... participating in "activities".

"Are you sure no ones home?" I ask Isaac as he kisses his way up my stomach and neck before laying a long one on my lips. I give a slight frown when he pulls away. "Isaac."

"Yeah. 100% sure, no ones here." He whispered in my ear as he unzipped the jacket I had on, which actually was his, and slides it off my shoulders, leaving another trail of kisses.

"S-Scott almost lost control again, and Stiles-" I say between gasps of breath and kisses. "I'm just worried-" Having his this close, I can't even form sentences. The intimacy, electricity, and intensity. My senses are going into overdrive.

"There's your problem, you worry too much." He kisses my shoulder one last time. He sits up on his knees, entrapping my hips with one on each side.  In one swift move he removes his shirt.

I couldn't help but let my eyes fall to his apps. I slowly reach my hand up to touch his torso. Sparks ran along my fingertips, and everywhere his skin touched mine. When I was finally able tear my eyes from his abs I noticed what looked like faint scratches were on his neck.

"Hey what happened to your neck?" I ask him. Confusion is written all over his face he reached up to touch it. When he pulls away I see that the scratches have turned into deep claw marks allowing his blood to drain gown his chest and stomach. "Isaac!"

He begins falling to the side but i was able to catch his on the way down. "What did you do?" He croaks out, chocking on his own blood.

"What?" I whimpered, but that's what I see it. My clawed hand drenched in blood. Isaac's blood. I did this.

That's when I wake up. With a gasp I sit up in my bed drenched in sweat. The room was dark, the only light was provided by the tv which played a random movie. Isaac stepped peacefully at the foot of my bed alive, thank god.

I turn on the lamp on my nightstand and take a few deep breaths. It was just a dream, everyone is okay. When I pull off the blankets so I could get out of bed I see my clothes, hands, and sheets covered in blood that definitely wasn't mine.

Well, maybe not everyone.

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