Bear Trap

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"Anyone else think we night be doing more harm than good?" Lydia asks no one in particular. The five of us stood at the edge of the forest looking in with our vehicles behind us. Malia is somewhere out there. Problem is, so is her dad.

"We're trying to keep a father from killing his own daughter." Scott replies, yet he never takes is eyes off the forest. Sounds like he's trying to convince himself more than any of us.

"Actually, we're trying to keep a guy from killing a coyote, who is actually his daughter, who we don't know how to change from a coyote back to his daughter." Isaac corrects him, but all he ended up doing is ticking Stiles off which knowing him was probably his main goal.

"Again with the not helping." Stiles muttered, knowing Isaac could hear, sparking a spat between them. I would've jumped in to end it like usual but I was too busy trying to tie myself to this reality, at least for the time being. Feeling the slight wind on my skin, the smell of wet soil, sound of the birds in the trees.

I was so focus in fact, that the sound of Allison slamming the car door shut had started me. Lydia was the only one to notice since she wasn't caught up in a conversation. 'Are you okay?' She mouthed to me and all I offered was a small smile in response. Not a straight yes or no but before she had the chance to push me further there was a big gunshot that came from the woods.

Scott immediately hops on his dirt bike, straps on his helmet, and rides in leaving flying dirt and us behind him. "Wait, wait, wait!" Stiles tries to stop him but Scott was already to far into the forest.

Isaac instinctively runs in after him before I had the chance to grab in. "Isaac don't!" The rest of us watch as the two of them disappear behind the trees. Stiles turns to ma with 'what the hell' spread clearly across the face. "I don't-" I exasperated throwing my hands up. I guess we're doing this the old fashion way, no plan necessary I guess.

"Follow me." I tell Allison who had her tranquilizer in hand. The two of us run into the forest to find them leaving Lydia and Stiles behind to call his dad.

The two of us had a hard time keeping up with Isaac considering I was holding back and he wasn't. The only time we could catch a glimpse of him was when he took a pause, probably trying to figure out which way to go next. Soon another gunshot filled the air. If Tate is out here hunting, our window to find Malia just got a whole lot smaller. 

"Rowan slow down! I need to-" Allison gasped in between breaths. I wave her off, stopping so she could catch her breath using a nearby tree for support. Not that we were missing much. Isaac's so far ahead all I'm picking up is his scent and even that keeps getting swept away by the wind. We'd have better luck closing our eyes and pointing in a direction.

I quickly pull my phone from my pocket annoyed by the distraction. I answered not even bothering to check the caller id. "Hello?"

"Rowan? It's me." Stiles. "Have you found Scott? I can't get a hold of him."

"No there gone, their both gone. Scott. Isaac. I can't-" Aggressively swipe a rebel, sweaty strand of hair away from my forehead in frustration. "Why? What's wrong?"

"It wasn't Malia's doll, it was her sister's. Malia left it at the car for her sister."

"Doll? From the locker room?"

"It's like bringing flowers to a grave, okay? And we stole the flowers. So, that's all she's trying to do. Bring the doll back to the grave, to the car wreck. That's where she's headed the car wreck."

Well that beats running around aimlessly. Thank you Stilinskis. "Okay we'll check it out. Let me know it you hear from him yeah?" Stiles muttered an an agreement before I had the chance to hang up. I turned to Allison who had finally managed to stand up straight.

"Hey do you still have the map of the crash on your phone?"

"Yeah, yeah." She tucked the tranquilizer under one arm and used her free hand to search through her pictures, trying to find the one of Stiles' map.

Suddenly a scream filled the air bringing me to my knees. I could tell it wasn't Lydia. This wasn't a 'I see dead people' banshee scream. This was a pure pain scream. So intense I could feel it in my ears, in my lungs, filling my chest, as if it had came out of my own mouth. It was- "Isaac." And I knew exactly where to find him.
A mile. Isaac managed to get and entire mile away before getting himself hurt. It was the longest mile I have ever ran, partially because for worry and partially because I can literally hear my heart beating in my ears. Apparently not only do my teeth and claws have a mind of their own but now my increased speed and smell are not too fond of me at the moment either.

"Isaac!" I hesitated when I saw him, kneeled down in the grass, groaning in pain.

"No! Wait!" He called out to us. He held out a hand as a warning, only then did it realize that his hands were covered in blood. "There's bear traps everywhere be careful!"

I hadn't noticed until he had said something but bear traps pretty much littered the forest floor. Some hiding in areas with taller grass, some out in plain sight on the trails. Actually, now that I think about it it's amazing that no one has been caught in one of these, well until now.

The closer we got after maneuvering past the traps I could see, Isaac was ankle deep in one. The teeth of the trap were the only thing keeping him from healing while also being the only thing keeping his blood on the inside of his body. "Listen, their just past those trees. Hit Tate. Use the tranq on him, okay?" He orders Allison between gasps of pain. She gives a nod of confirmation before running off, disappearing behind the trees.

"You were supposed to wait. I told you to wait. Why didn't you wait?" I couldn't stop the rambling, knowing that this is his blood is making me a bit stir crazy. It was ment to be concern but from the look on his face it seemed to come off as scolding.

"I thought I could catch him. Stop Tate, save Malia. I just wanted to help." Isaac tries to pry the trap off but the blood made his hands slip sending the teeth deeper into his leg. I'd say he's about 2 minutes from passing out. "I can't get this damn thing off!"

"Yeah we'll, pain keeps you human. And sadly-" I hold up my hand to show him the new development of my condition. "I don't think I'll be much help, but you know what I'm sure Lydia or Stiles could figure out how to disarm these."

I stand up to leave but Isaac's hand clamps around my wrist and brings me back down to his level. "No! Please dont leave."

I remove his grip and take his hand in mine and use my other to swipe a sweat drenched curl from his forehead. "Okay, I'm not going anywhere." Talking seem to distract him a little. Enough for me to take a bit of the pain from him when he wasn't looking. The black veins hidden by my long sleeves.

Suddenly there was a large rawr coming from the opposite side of the forest. Just like Isaac's cry I could feel it everywhere. From the ringing in my ears to the ground under my feet. But this time it wasn't draining, but empowering. Like my dead battery was finally fully charged. Felt like fire was coarsening through my veins.

With one glance I could tell Isaac was feeling the same. His golden eyes staring off in the direction the rawr came from. It's Scott, it's gotta be. Isaac takes the jaws of the trap, one in each hand, and completely rips it apart. As soon as we stand Isaac stumbles into me, over estimating the quickness of his healing.

"That's what I'm talking about." I chuckled, a hand on each of his forearms trying the study the both of us. He took the chance of our close proximity to pull me in for a kiss. It was soft like it was the first time but starved like it was gonna be the last.

I have spent so much time trying to avoid him these past couple of weeks I hadn't realized just how much I've missed just being held by him, how safe it always felt. In a world that was constantly changing, Isaac never did, at least not to me.

I ran my fingers up his neck through his hair. I tug lightly at his curls, a futile effort to pull us closer if it was at all possible. I wanted it to last forever, yet of coarse it couldn't. Allison emerged from the trees announcing that she had in fact hit Tate with a tranquilizer dart but Malia had ran off. Hopefully Scott had better luck than we did.

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