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Lunch block is never actually used as a time to eat lunch. I literally cannot remember the last time our friend group actually sat down and ate lunch. Someone always needs saving, finding, etc. We can never get through an entire day, let alone school day, with no drama.

Like today, one minute I was sitting in class, business as usual, and then the next the school is basically swarming with police and fbi. Of coarse the time I actually need everyone I can't find anyone. Well except for Lydia who I found dry jumping Aiden in the Guidance counselor's office. Never my ass.

"Lydia I am scarred, like my eyes are literally rotting inside my head!" I groan dramatically as I quickly flee the crime scene. Lydia stumbled in tow trying to put her clothes back on as we paced.

"Grow up would you?" She grumbled, stopping only to shove her foot back into her heeled shoes before following once again.

"But the councilor's office? People's there for concealing you know."

"Well coaches office was...unavailable." She reminds me. Only after Coach stormed into economics this morning to yell at us, did the boys tell us what exactly the big prank was that took them all night. They essentially took the screws out of every single thing in his office, rigging it all to fall apart when coach picked up a box filled with said screws.

Our conversation fell silent as we see Stiles, Isaac, and Allison descend from the stairs and cross our path, obviously oblivious to our presence.

"Yeah. And no one knows how he woke up from anesthesia. Just that when they opened him up, they found a tumor full of live flies, which in any other circumstance would be all kinds of awesome." Stiles draws out for Allison and Isaac a story he's heard from god knows where.

I wouldn't think twice about it until I saw the blood drain from Lydia's face. She wastes no time announcing us to the group. "Did you say flies? All day I have been hearing this sound. It's like This buzzing."

Allison steps closer. "Like the sound of flies?"

"Exactly like the sound of flies."
Lydia and I spent the better half of lunch we've been keeping an eye out for this on the loose murder and scouring the school for Scott all while avoiding the police and FBI agents. Well the first two just got a hell of a lot easier considering all of the officers and agents began sprinting towards the exist simultaneously.

I actually caught a glimpse of Scott's dad who was pretty much oblivious to my existence until I spoke up. I swear this guy is everywhere. "What's going on? What's happening?"

"Stay here, we'll talk about it later." He orders passing us by offering no other explanation.


"I mean it Rowan, do not leave the school." And with that he and the rest of them we're gone. Along with our only hope of back up. Although we're we're able to spot Scott and Stiles conversing right outside of Mr. Yukimora's classroom.

"The police are leaving. Why are they leaving?" I interrogate as we stalk towards them. If anyones gonna have inside information on what the police are doing and why, it's Stiles.

Scott's eyebrows furrow at the abrupt change in direction their conversation has made. "The police?" He inquired but we promptly ignore him.

"They must have cleared the building and grounds, which means he's not here." Stiles deduced.

"Who? What are you guys-"

"He has to be here." Lydia interrupts this time. "That sound, the buzzing I've been hearing? It's getting louder."
I've walked the halls of this school for 2 years now and yet they've never seemed as creepy as they do right now. Probably due to the fact that a serial killer is running around here somewhere. Luckily most students are tucked away into their classrooms so that's one less place to look.

I'm supposed to be headed to meet Scott, Issac, and surprisingly Aiden, and Ethan to get said serial killer's scent. On my way I got side tracked by Scott and Melissa's conversation as she dropped off the hospital gown. The fear in her voice makes my heart break.

"Promise me you'll be careful." She's straining her voice to make sure it doesn't crack in front off her son. I couldn't help myself from peering around the corner, her face gave her away. "I looked right in this guy's eyes, and it was terrifying."

For some reason Scott couldn't see it. Maybe he's assumed she's just being over protective. She's been out of the loop for so long maybe he thinks she's on 10. But for some reason, everything about this feels different. "Yeah. Okay, Mom, I promise. Okay?" Scott brushes her off giving her a kiss on the forehead.

Over his shoulder Melissa catches my gaze as if she knew I was there all along, maybe she did. It was a specific look though. The one she'd give me when we were little right before Scott, Stiles, and I went off to do something we weren't supposed to. A look that says 'take care of my boy'. But it was more desperate, more begging. I nod to let her know I've got him.

"Okay." She sighs cradling his face in her hands. She gives him a weary smile before sending my way.

"Let's go." Scott grunts as he passed. I barely had enough time to see Melissa let out a big breath she'd been holding before Scott dragged me behind him.
The only thing we've learned from the cops being here is that this guy is as smart as he ever had been. Using our eyes, we won't find him unless he wants to be found which could be detrimental to us all. So we turned to our enhanced sense of smell.

We passed around Barrow's hospital gown to all the werewolves, including Ethan and Aiden, before heading down to the basement of the school. Ethan and Aiden take one side while Scott, Isaac, and I take the other with the intention to meet back up at the boiler room.

"So this is how it's gonna be now? We trust them?" Isaac asks breaking the uncomfortable silence we'd been searching in. I think a part of us hopes we never find Barrow. I mean yeah, a murder in a high school full of students isn't exactly what you'd call "good for business", but at the same time we're hunting someone who wants to kill us. Like a fly in a spider web, except with every passing moment it's starting to feel more like we're the fly.

"Just because I'm letting them help, doesn't mean I trust them." Scott grumbles as if they've had this discussion millions of times.

"Yeah, well, I don't trust them either. Or like them. In fact, I hate them and just want them to die."

"Well, if Barrow's actually here and he's got a plan, you might get what you want."

I quickly smack Scott on the arm, giving him a scolding glare. "Don't say that!" I hiss at him. His "jokes" are not exactly helping the situation, nor my nerves.

We weren't down there for too much longer before the fire alarm goes off almost making me jump out of my skin. "Why would they do a fire drill in the middle of a lockdown?" Scott wonders aloud, we stare at the flashing alarms in confusion.

"They wouldn't." I denounced. "Somethings wrong." Wasn't long before we all took off towards the exit. Hopefully Ethan and Aiden got the hint.
As we came running out of the School Lydia and Stiles we're the first ones we see. Ethan and Aiden came tumbling out not too long after us, joining the group. "We didn't find anything. Not even a scent." Scott speaks for us all, the twins nod in agreement.

"Well, it's 3:00, so school's over. If there was a bomb, wouldn't he have set it off by now?" Stiles asks.

"Does that mean everybody's safe?" Aiden proposed to no one in particular but all of our eyes found their way to Lydia.

"I don't know." She admits. Her face was a mixture of exhaustion and utter confusion. "I just- I don't know."

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