Introduction and Bio

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A/N: What's up? I know I've been forgetting to update my other story but as you just read in the description (if youn read it), I was sick and I have a lot of homeworks and school works to finish yet, it also doesn't help I have a job now which I really needed so I can pay my bills and eat lasagna everyday. Without further ado, enjoy read- *door gets busted* 'Oh god, not again' TvT

Gf/N: *holds me by my neck and points a knife near my chest* Care to tell me why you were avoiding me these past few days, anata?~ *slowly makes me turn my head to face her*

A/N: W-well, I uhh.. I k-kinda need to uhmm.. I-I just.. *scared shitless* I JUST NEEDED A BREAK FROM GETTING TIED TO BED!! 'please believe it x3'

Gf/N: *turns my chair to face her* Normally, I would've believed you already *suddenly tapes my mouth and gets close to my face* if you weren't lying, fufufu~ And now, *stands up then looks down at me with hearts in her eyes then shows me handcuffs* I think you know what happens next, darling~ hihihi~

A/N: *shaking his head 'no' while blushing hard*

Gf/N: If you didn't avoid me and just asked me properly, this wouldn't have happened. This is your punishment. *giggles lustfully then drags me to 'our' bedroom* Be prepared, you made me into this. *pushes me to bed then locks the door*


Izuku Yagi

(Ignore Dante 'cause he's already a badass)

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(Ignore Dante 'cause he's already a badass)


(Tell me that's ugly and I'll use every weapon in Devil May Cry to rip out your organs)

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(Tell me that's ugly and I'll use every weapon in Devil May Cry to rip out your organs)

Quirk: Devil's Arsenal

As the name suggests, the user will enhance any weapon he/she has in his/her arsenal with demonic energy to add more precision, strength, control and power to it. The only downside is he collects the weapons himself/herself.

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