A School Event Challenges The Son Of All Might

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A/N: Heyo, dweebs! Sorry I posted this late, I've just been busy with my schoolwork, got cheated on with my girlfriend(I'm definitely okay 'cause I have 21 ex girlfriends now) and I got sick. Again. And now I'm in the hospital, again but it doesn't matter as the severity of my sickness isn't that high and I can still move properly. Also, I've seen a lot of requests from you guys about this story or other stories I should write next and I'm happy to tell you that I will make your requests happen as I also love and respect your ideas as well. To those who wanna make a request then you can either message me here in Wattpad or just simply go to the requests and suggestions chapter. Anyways, enjoy reading this story. *Reuben Langdon's voice* Adios, dweebs.


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Izumi and her brother's girlfriends which grew more since Katsumi, Shoka and Robin confessed are now in the house of the Yagi family with Inko cooking dinner that can make Lunch Rush and Gordon Ramsay make a run for their money, Toshinori reading his daily newspaper while drinking his so called "healthy beverage" called coffee, Veronica, Danielle, Lady, Trish and Melissa conversing about Izuku's journey and past and lastly, the long lost son and storm itself, Izuku practicing his mastery over Iajutsu, a sword technique that allows the user to create great attacks and defense without moving from the position of the user itself.

He was soon noticed by Veronica and as a master of the same stance he has, she decided to help out her future husband. Exiting the house, Veronica went straight for the backyard and sees Izuku still practicing his swordplay which made her smile as she saw someone as motivated as her. Izuku was continuing his practice when he was interrupted by a cough from someone behind and turning around, he saw one of his girlfriends leaning on a wall with her arms crossed and a grin on her face, it was Veronica.

Veronica: Hey, charmer. I see you're training Iajutsu again, I can help you if you want but of course, there's always a price for it, and I'm sure that you know what I'm talking about~.

Izuku: *chuckles* Yeah, I know, you thirsty woman. I'd appreciate the help though, maybe even spar at the inner dimension, wanna come?

Veronica: *shrugs* Hm, sure. I need someone worthy to fight with and I still have to beat you anyway. I wonder how come you're a lot stronger even if you haven't mastered the stance yet? Actually, nevermind that, a daughter of Sparda never complains. *smug and proud*

Izuku: *smirks* You think you'll stand a chance? Then show me your motivation. *slashes a portal and goes through*

Veronica: *sighs* I love that man. Too much though, I guess I have to get serious. *follows and the portal closes*

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