The Bening- I mean Beginning Of The Inevitable

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A/N: Now as promised, I said I'll post the prologue after I eat lunch and obviously, I did finish my lunch now. This is it. Minecraft Manhu- I mean the prologue of the broccoli boi's journey to become the King of Pirates! *error sound* Wait, did I say the wrong one?

Izuku: Wrong line, Author-san! Read the script again...


Our story starts from a kid, no older than 4 years old along with his sister is running downstairs to call their mother. They both ran down to the kitchen where they saw their mother washing the dishes, they smirkeds at each other and surprised their mother with a hug.

???: *jumps a bit then looks behind her* Izumi, Izuku, I'm still cleaning. We'll check your quirk later, okay? *rubs their heads*

The children now known as Izumi and Izuku nodded and ran to their living room and saw their father reading a newspaper.

Izuku: *sits down beside his father and saw a book under the coffee table that has a big V symbol on it's front cover* 'Huh, a book. Wonder what this is.' Hey, dad *picks up the book and shows it to his father* what book is this?

Izuku then looked at his father with a look full of curiosity. The father we see now is Toshinori Yagi which secretly is the Number 1 Hero; All Might. He then chuckles and rubs his son's hair.

Toshinori: That Izuku is a book of poetry, written by a famous poet named V. Although that book existed before quirks even exist, I'm kinda surprised we still have it 'cause it came from your grandmother 'which is also my master'. Does it interest you perhaps?

Izuku: Yeah, actually. *opens a page and reads a stanza out loud* "He who desires but acts not, breeds pestilence". Woah, it's like a motivational poem. *closes the book and shows it to his sister* Izumi, look! This is a book from our grandma!

Izumi: *shocked but then smirks* Heh, it's just a book full of weird words we don't even understand! Even our notebook full of quirks is better than that, but I'm surprised we have that and it still looks new for some reason. *gets an idea* I know! Why don't we go to the playground later after we checked our quirks to show our friends that book! I bet Nico-chan would love that since you both love reading.

Izuku: *suddenly gets happy and sees her mother done cleaning* Mom, hurry up! We're gonna be late! C'mon, Izumi, let's get Mom going. *holds her mother's hand and drags her to the main door* Let's go now, Mom! Last one to the car is a spoiled katsudon! *runs to their car*

Izumi: Onii-chan, wait for us! *done wearing her shoes and takes Izuku's shoes with her then runs to their car and enters the passenger's seat beside Izuku* You also forgot to wear your shoes, baka nii-chan. *gives Izuku his shoes and he immediately wears it*

Izuku: *done wearing his shoes then hugs Izumi which he didn't notice her blush* Thank you, Izumi! I'm just so excited today! Let's buckle our seatbelts and wait for Mom. *buckles Izumi's seatbelt then his*

The mother of the 2 de- I mean adorable beans is known as Inko Yagi which is secretly the Number 10 Hero; Magnetic. As she looks at her children's antics, she just chuckles and walks up to her husband.

Inko: *kisses Toshinori's cheek* We'll be going now, hun. There's food in the fridge if you get hungry. *wears her shoes and opens the door* See you later, hun. *waves her husband goodbye then closes the door* What time is it? *checks the time and sees it's at 12:51* Oh, we'll make it in time. *opens her car and seats on the driver's seat then looks at her children at the passenger's seat sharing a book* Oh, what are you guys reading? That book, huh. Your grandma used to read that book to me when I was a t your age back then. Are you guys ready?

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