I-Island, The Wives and The Return

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A/N: Heya, guys. It's yo boi back again with a new chapter, I was just super happy with how many people found interest or at least read a chapter of this fanfiction. Because of that, I decided to make my sleep earlier as usual and write chapter 4 already. Although there might not be a new chapter tomorrow considering that I will not only stop adding requests by Wednesday which is far, it's because my girlfriend's period is over and some of you might know how she is when she's not on her phase. I know I'll survive though 'cause I've been working out which I think is stupid but I need my life to write chapters here. Without further ado, enjoy readi- *door gets slammed then I get dragged* W-Wait! Babe, I still need to finish my cha- *sees her holding the classic gag and handcuffs while smirking* NOOOOOOOOO- *camera turns off*



2 weeks have passed and Izuku with the rest of his peers are now on I-Island as they will have to visit someone Izuku know. They didn't bother asking him the name or the relationship him and this person has as Izuku only said that he'll visit his uncle David Shield. An inventor who also is and old friend and sidekick of his father, All Might.

Trish, Lady and him also explained the current world they are in the first time they all went there as Danielle and Veronica felt stronger and shorter and when they saw their reflections, they're surprised that their bodies are now back in their teenage years which in return, made the twins smirk because they knew being younger has its perks and that includes fresher, prettier, and tougher body. During this current week, Izumi and her friends have already passed their enrollment in UA and now sitting in their classroom. She and the PT squad trained at the place recommended by Toshinori; Dagoba Beach.


A place once so beautiful that the sunset can reach even the ends of Musutafu City, became a trash dump by the citizens, and Toshinori decided that cleaning it up not only contributes as hero work but also a great way to exercise and build up strength for their bodies. Successfully completing his training, Izumi and the rest of her friends felt proud on their job as they all remembered what a hero should be.

PT Squad: 'Izuku would've been proud with us, he would've wanted this.' *wipes their sweat*

Toshinori: 'Look, my boy. Your sister and friends have finally stepped to become heroes for you, I wish you were here to see this then maybe *looks at his right and sees a silhouette of Izuku smiling with him and it disappears which made him tear up*you're here becoming a hero as well..' C'mon, everyone! The UA Entrance Exams are about to start in 2 hours!


Izumi and the rest of the PT squad are still talking with each other when someone, specifically a pink-skinned girl with also pink hair, black eyes with yellow pupils, noticed that the Izumi and her friends are wearing the exact same bracelet which made the curiosity got into her mind. She thought they might have some history considering that they're the only ones talking to each other. Curiously, she stood up from her seat which made everyone near her to get confused as why. The said girl then walks up to Izumi and the PT squad as she then placed her right arm over Izumi's shoulder which in return surprised her.

???: *smiling with curiosity* I noticed you guys have the same bracelets, care to tell me why is that and who has the same one you guys have?

Izumi: *suddenly surprised* O-Oh it's just you, Mina. Stop doing that, it's making me jump, you know? As for the bracelets, this was a gift we have back in our childhood. *looks at her bracelet and fiddles it a bit* This was always special to us 'cause it reminded me of someone *remembers Izuku* we know and miss..*starts to cry*

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