The Sports Festival's Purgatory

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A/N: Hello, my readers! I apologize for not posting anything as I started focusing on my college so I wanted to tell you guys that I might not post any chapter as early as usual nor that I won't be posting anything, it'll only be a little late, I hope you understand. Anyways, have fun reading this chapter for now. Adios, dweebs!! (Focused on college my ass. Just admit you got domm-)


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Every student are lined up in the entrance, waiting for the signal of the beginning of the race. Some were nervous due to what happened earlier and some forgot what happened and let their pride got over them. As every student has gathered in the starting line, 3 specific students were at the front of the group, preparing for the signal to go. One was slowly releasing cold air on his right, the second one was popping small explosions on his palms and the last flaring up some sort of energy onto his legs.

The crowd, the hosts, the judges and the rest of Japan are currently watching this interesting event, gaining interest on it. Midnight then walks to the porch and initiates the signal for the race. Tick by tick, the lights went slowly from red to yellow and lastly, green. With a loud horn, the 3 students then started boosting themselves to the first obstacle but not before Shoto and Shoko trapping the rest of the students in ice, Katsuki and his sister boosting themselves with their explosions, causing them to fly of some sort, Izumi using her telekinesis to lift herself up to the at a fast pace and with Izuku releasing a shockwave and gave him a boost that knocked every student, broke the ice and temporarily detouring his friends and sister.

Izuku kept running and slashing things on his way, including the 1st obstacle which resulted in most of the 0-Pointer robots from the entrance exam destroyed and blowing up, he then stops as he reaches the 2nd obstacle, The Fall. Using Air Trick, he traversed from his spot to the other side of the huge pit with floating rocks, he then activates his Sin Devil Trigger and flew his way to the 3rd Obstacle. He then reaches the 3rd Obstacle, The Mines which is a sandpit full of mines, one wrong step and they will be blown away. It isn't enough to kill them but strong enough for them to get yeeted to space just like that deer who snuck inside the forest and stepped on one of the mines and got blown away back to the forest. He was about to run in and get to the other side when he heard crackling and popping noises behind him, he then turns around and sees his friends hella mad and racing their way to get to the finish line.

Katsuki and Katsumi: *gliding to him* GET BACK HERE, NERD/DUMMY!! I'M TAKING THAT 1ST PLACE!

Shoto and Shoka: *using their ice side as some sort of skateboard* I'll win this 1st place, idiots!

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