UA's Storm Is Approaching The Sports Festival

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A/N: Heya, guys. I told you, I'll make a new chapter earlier than usual because I'm feeling motivated and happy for some reason. That's why I decided to write a new chapter instead for you of sleep. Anyways, I hope you enjoy reading this new chapter. See y'all later. *turns off camera then walks to bedroom*


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Izuku and his 4 girlfriends are now sitting beside each other on a couch in front of his mother and sister who looks like they'll rip out their guts at the moment they lie. None of them can talk, not even look at Inko and Izumi because of the aura the Yagi females are releasing. Inko is losing her patience, same with Izumi so they used they're quirk to bring something to their hands, something that even All Might is scared of.

They brought to themselves a pair of flip flops with vibranium soles, Izuku saw this and immediately felt shitting in his pants right now as he remembered how he was punished for beating up random children that hurt Robin. Inko then started to talk.

Inko: So, *holding a flip flop in her left hand* explain. Quickly, you know that I don't like wasting time on these moments, Izuku.

Izumi: *same as Inko* Yeah, why don't you tell us why you have random women in our house and why 2 of them looks like you, *a demon mask shows up behind her and Inko* onii-chan.

Izuku: *looking on the carpet with his girlfriends, sweaty asf* ...

Inko almost lost her patience and smacked the coffee table with the flip flop and broke it which made Izuku and the women jump and terrified of his mother. Some random kid outside heard the table broken and yelled something that was familiar to every teenager near him. Inko didn't care about the table, she needed explanations and she'll have it. Either voluntarily or forcefully. Izuku was about to talk when they heard the doorbell ring. Izumi then stood up and walked to the door not before giving Izuku and his girlfriends an "I'm watching you" look.

Opening her door, Izumi saw a blonde woman wearing a purple dress and glasses, her hair tied to a ponytail. Behind the woman was an adult man with brown hair, wearing a long sleeve polo, brown pants and shoes, and a pair of glasses as well. Izumi knew who they were so she opened her door happily and guided them inside. She along with the guests reached their living room and saw Inko with her slipper of oblivion, Izuku and his girlfriends kneeling on the carpet full of glass shards and a broken table frame. It didn't take too long for the guests to understand the situation and they chuckled.

Melissa: *still chuckling* Auntie, I'll tell you everything that Izuku told me after he left.

Inko: *sits back down on the couch and throws the metal flip flop through the wall* Go ahead, tell me everything since my son doesn't wanna talk.

Melissa along with Izuku then explained to both Inko and Izumi about everything that Izuku did after he ran away and needless to say, both his sister and mother were shocked to know that not only Izuku travelled to the realm of the demons but also another universe. Izumi however was both sad and happy, sad that his older brother is in a relationship already and happy that she might have a chance to be with his onii-chan as his girlfriend.

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