The Note, The Return Of A Protagonist's Self And The Sisters Of War

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A/N: Hey, my fellow reader and maybe writers! I wanna thank you for giving me the 1k reads 'cause honestly, I think I suck at writing stories so with this much people, I'm honored and happy that I entertained you in a way. Anyways, that's all, yeah. I really just wanna thank you all for the support and attention you guys give me even though it's not so much. Thank again and enjoy reading.


Izuku, Trish and Lady now exited the portal Izuku made and they appeared in the Underworld realm. Plants colored like blood, oozing with a bit of demonic energy, the ground was red as blood, and the grass was white as a cat's fur, the clouds and the skies of the said realm; redder than blood. The view didn't even made Izuku and Lady flinch, more likely they were surprised as they just found out what the underworld looks like and to be honest, they thought it would be full of flames and burning souls on lava. Trish had a look of hope and determination as she thought they'll find her friend here alive and well. It was then at that moment, Izuku heard a voice he thought he wouldn't hear again.

???: Go straight from your east and cross the bridge that you'll see. At the end of it, you'll see me.

Izuku's eyes widen as he heard the voice again. He already made it this far, he won't back down now. He had to be strong to protect them. Now motivated, he called the 2 ladies with him and headed to wherever the voice told him to go,


A green hair of long curly mess was seen waking up. Blinking her eyes, Izumi was still sleepy but she was excited for today as she remembered her father told her that she and Izuku will be training for UA which caused her drowsiness to disappear. She rushed to her bathroom to brush her teeth and take a shower, she then wore her casual attire but not before packing her training outfits and fixing her bed('cause that's just disrespectful for your parents who's raising your ass). Coming downstairs, he saw her parents eating their breakfast which made her wonder for her brother's whereabouts.

Shrugging the thought off, she just sat beside his mother and ate her breakfast in which she reminded to have the recipe to tell her brother later as he's the best cook in the house. After eating, she walked to Izuku's bedroom and called him out a few times.

Izumi: *knocks on Izuku's bedroom door* Onii-chan, wake up. We're gonna train today.

Silence. Izumi thought he didn't hear her so she knocked again.

Izumi: *knocks again but louder* Onii-chan, wake up now! We're gonna go train with Dad today!

Silent again. Confusion now is visible on her face, she new her brother was a heavy sleeper but it's never this late for him to wake up. She just thought her brother is in the bathroom and she imagined her brother's naked body, glistening from the water and suds from the shower and shampoo sliding down his body. Her entire face is now redder than their uncle Enji's hair with a bit of blood flowing down her nose. Without having a second thought, she opened the door and barged in his room and what she saw made her eyes water.

His bedroom window is opened, not a single clothing or personal thing is seen on his drawers and closet and the only things left there was his bedsheets, his All Might figurines, computer and a note on the bed. She picked up the note and read it to herself, after doing so, loud cries of agony and loneliness are heard inside the whole household and maybe some neighbors heard it as well. Inko and Toshinori heard the sudden crying and rushed to where it came from, when they reached it, they saw their son's room of only his figurines, appliances and bed left with his window open and their daughter crying on the floor.

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