More Info and Possible Changes

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A/N: Now, I'm still finishing chapter 2 but I wanna know what you guys want to change about absolutely anything regarding the story, whether it is about Izuku, the harem, even maybe his skills and weapons, but here are some changes I made and I want your opinions about it.

Ships I think I'll add:
-TodoBaku ('cause maybe some of you guys are TodoBaku shippers and I don't dislike them, same as other LGBTQ shippers as they are people as well and needed to be respected)
-ShinKami (Ngl, when I heard this ship, god of destruction suddenly came to my mind as that is another Japanese term for it I think, but as I said, LGBTQ ships are to be respected here)
-EraserJoke (Absolutely fuckin' canon and I won't change my mind that this is the only ship both in canon and fanfic that I fucking agree with)
-TogaTama (I kinda forgot Tamaki's hero name so I just made that up)

Possible addition to the harem:
-Burnin' (tell straight to my face that she don't deserve to be in and I'll toast your nipples on the flames of the purgatory)
-Camie Utsushimi (Gotta get those leather and assets be workin' and shakin')
-Lady (Both her and Trish will be met at Chapter 2 'cause Izuku found them in an alleyway near the shrine and upon sensing their quirks as well as they sense Izuku's, they decided to join him to the Underworld. Also, she and Trish are sisters just because I want to)
Quirk: Eyes of War
As you all know, she has heterochromiatic eyes which I think is a good way of making it her quirk. Her red eye stores the weapons while the blue one? Creates the ammo suitable for the weapon she uses by using oxygen as a supply for the blood flowing through her eyes and thus converting it to the ammo it creates.
-Trish (My cousin suggested it to me as he was a DMC fan such as myself and we've been doing the same things ever since we were born like mix Cheez Whiz and gravy, go to culinary school, play games and watch he- I mean anime. Balanced life, you know?)
Quirk: Devil's Blessing
Similar to Izuku's quirk but can only store 2 weapons and her Devil Trigger only boosts her stats such as strength, speed and precision. Her 1st weapon will be given by Izuku and the 2nd one is given by Mei.
-Nami (I changed my mind about not adding her, my cousin won against me in 3 matches in Super Golf so I had to at least be fair)
Quirk: Staff of the Storm
Nami's bo staff has the ability to manipulate lightning bolts and thunders which also allows her to create thunderstorms if she's pissed. Her staff can only be used by her and whoever she allows to by using the wielder's emotions.
-Female Vergil and Dante: Veronica and Danielle
Quirk: Same as Izuku but a little but weaker
As the name suggests, they have the same as Izuku's quirk. Veronica will have the same weapons and skills as Izuku as she is Izuku's female counterpart except she has the Qlipoth. Danielle will have the same weapons as the DMC 5 Dante as they will meet at the Underworld after Izuku saw them fighting when they severed the Qlipoth roots from the living realm. They then fought Izuku as they felt his presence and thought he was a demon like the rest which of course after they saw his face, they immediately stopped)
-Bubble Girl and Sirius (C'mon, who wouldn't want a girl who looks like a mermaid and the other who's just cute to tease?)

Some info:
As you all know, Izuku's hair is white. Why? Because I want to and his family didn't question it as Inko told them that her dad, brother( Shigaraki's dad), their cousin Tenko and grandfather has similar looks as Izuku so they realized that Inko's fathers' genes are fully inherited by the Shimura males. I'll make Mineta a decent person here and his height isn't like a kid's one. He'll also have a girlfriend here which is a 2nd Year in UA that has a heat wave quirk, similar to Nejire's but she releases heat as so he doesn't become as he is in canon.

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