Sports Festival Continuation (Finally, Jesus)

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A/N: Lol, y'all really thought. Happy April Fool's Day, my readers who have waited for years. As for the very fucking long disappearance, there are 3 reasons for it actually. First would be because my eyes have started to blur but it is starting to be better now. Second is my college and married life taking the toll on me especially me having 3 kids, 2 of 'em are adopted (Fuck Nero's child support). Lastly, is because obviously I am trying to get myself updated regarding the DMC and MHA lore because I have mostly forgotten the stuff because my head's filled with motivation, entrepreneurial stuff and recipes.

A/N: Anyways, yeah that's basically it, I will try to like update chapters regarding this book(I have like 2 chapters still unfinished) and the Sam book, maybe even the Jojo one as well but yeah, feel free to message me for stuff you want to clarify or to tell me about. Love y'all, you morons.

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