A Storm Is Approaching

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A/N: Wassup, guys? If you saw, I removed the requests 'cause it's already passed Wednesday here in the Philippines. Maybe I would re-aadd requests in the future but in the meantime, enjoy reading Foolishness, villains. Author o- *door gets busted for the 867th time and it hit me which knocked me out*

Gf/N: Good, he's sleeping.*chuckles then stares at me with lust and hearts in eyes* What a great way to start his story and my fun~ Fufufu~ Sayonara, everyone!~ *turns off camera*




Izumi and her classmates are now stranded and spread around the training grounds. She is now currently on a boat in the Water Zone along with Tsuyu and Mineta, panicking and worried for his life. The villains surrounding them started swimming closer to the sinking boat they're currently in which made Mineta panic more. Izumi started thinking of a plan that can help all 3 of them to escape the situation they're in.

Izumi: *gets an idea* Tsu-chan! Grab Mineta-san and jump when you see the signal, you'll know it when you see it and Mineta-san, throw your sticky hairballs at these guys after I do my part, okay?

The frog girl now known as Tsuyu nodded her head, same as the guy with balls as hair named Mineta, all 3 of them then started to make the plan in action. The villains are now closer to the boat which then Tsuyu took as a signal and jumped whilst grabbing Mineta with her frog-like tongue. Izumi then used her telekinesis to make herself float away and used her quirk to control the rocks and sand under the water to create a whirlpool. Mineta seeing that the villains are getting abducted in the whirlpool, he rapidly plucked out his hairballs and threw them at the whirlpool(I'm pretty sure with the weight of those dipshits, they mostly would've drowned already). They then landed safely on the shore which made Mineta cry of happiness and relief.

Running back to the entrance of the building, they saw the leader of the villains laughing hysterically at their teacher who was beaten up badly by what looks like a purple creature that has a huge beak with it's brain exposed. The leader of the villains who has crusty, pale skin and hands almost covering his whole body saw them and ordered the one beside him which is a guy who's covered in black mist to bring the 3 of them to him. When he was about to do so, Izumi used her telekinesis to take her classmates and ran instantly to the entrance but her classmates stopped floating when a smoke of dust covered behind their backs.

Coughing all the dust, the smoke revealed the creature with its fist on Izumi's stomach which made Izumi spit out blood and the force of the punch made her stuck to the wall. The creature then removed its fist and Izumi fell on the floor, gasping because of pain while coughing out blood. The hand-covered dipshit laughed more hysterically but stopped when a sudden pillar of light shone behind him. The aura this light have out made every person cower in fear, even the mist-covered guy and the creature.

He then looked behind him and what he saw surprised everyone in the building except for Izumi, Tsuyu and Mineta as they were focused on Izumi. What he saw is something he'll never forget and probably be the start of his nightmares. A demon.



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