History of the USS liberator

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In 2036 The president of the United States ordered the construction of the USS America the largest supercarrier ever built to counter Chinese naval aggression in the Pacific and concerning build up of the Russian Navy in Europe and by 2040 The America finished construction and later that same year sirens struck earth devastating and wiping out most major naval forces in the world in response the president ordered two more America class
super carriers to be built the Unity and the liberator

The liberator unlike its sister ships the unity and the America was not entirely a America class supercarrier just classified as one technically it was it's own sub class the liberator had been upgraded to have larger flight decks and larger hangers and because of that it was able to carry 150 aircraft which is far more compared to its sister ships with only had a max carrying capacity of 135 aircraft and the liberator had far more armaments to defend itself Then his sister ships which had anti-Air and anti-ship defenses but not nearly enough to fully defend themselves without a full task force for protection

this decision to upgrade the liberator was due to the lack of ships needed to fully escort carriers and thus carriers need to defend them selves without the protection of a task force the unity and the liberator finish construction bye 2042 had the liberator served until 2053 when it was ordered to stop a major assault by the sirens The assault force of the sirens consisted of 18 carries 27 battle ships 40 destroyers and 12 heavy cruisers and 14 light cruisers

The liberator and it's sister ships held off the enemy fleet for as long as possible and in the battle the liberator sunk 4 battleships 3 carriers 15 destroyers 6 light cruisers and 11 heavy cruiser's but it did not come without cost by about about hour 6 of the battle The liberator had taken hits from two torpedoes 16 bombs and 7 missiles and The liberator had become a burning hulk of a ship and The America had been sunk.

The captain of the liberator Jackson L Madison realizing the Dire Straits they were in and the large possibility of the siren fleet breaking through ordered The nuclear reactor to be de-stabilized and the nuclear warheads on board to be activated he radioed the unity to retreat at flank speed it

when the siren fleet surrounded the liberator captain ordered the detonation of all nuclear warhead's on board which would trigger a chain reaction within the reactor and seconds later a fireball 100 times hotter and brighter than the sun lit up the dark oil filled ocean vaporizing everything within a 200 mile radius and the liberator was lost forever.

Or was he?

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