A mad dash to escape

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Liberator's POV
The pacific 214 Miles from Pearl Harbor
I keep a close eye on the video as I watch the two squadrons of jets rip apart the Japanese planes and siren ships initial volley of missiles hitting the fox killing it instantly and I feel a sense of pride well in my chest as I watch the ShipGirls look on in Awe at the graceful display of the Super hornets striking the siren and Japanese ships ruthlessly without hesitation and the F-35s tearing apart siren jets and Japanese zeros after the easily sinking most of the siren fleet and causing significant damage to the two Japanese Carriers and with the arrival of what seems to be the enterprise and her aircraft I order two squadrons to return to the carrier I watch the enterprise for a few more moments on a plane with an Eagle on her shoulder

'sick I want A fucking eagle that looks awesome and also it is pretty lonely around here'

as if on cue a small glow of golden light fills the room and hear the sound of wing flaps behind me and I spin around and what waits for me takes me by surprise and bald eagle sitting on the back of my captain sure grooming its flight feathers and not just any old bald eagle an albino bald eagle instead of the usual browns and whites that you would normally see on a bald eagle its feathers or instead of variety of gray and dark gray but its head is still a striking pure white I slowly inch towards it once I get close enough within grabbing distance I slowly reach my hand out and touch its head to my surprise instead of screeches and claws it leaned into my touch letting out a small whistling sound it stretches its Wings out before moving its head away from my hand and hopping on my shoulder i let out a small laugh "you know I could get used to this having an albino eagle minion

"The bird lets out a small screech before nipping my ear"

"Ow ok ok you're not my minion how about friends that sound better" it looks so the same small whistle from earlier before rubbing its head against mine

"what am I gonna name you huh how about uhhhhhhhhhh Jet! Yeah because you're gray like a jet and I guarantee you're fast and I would put my money on a bald eagle against most things in a fight so do you think jet a good one?"

He sits there a moment quietly pruning his front feathers seemingly thinking about it before letting out another small whistle and hopping back on to the captains chair

"I have absolutely no idea what that means but I'll take it as a yes well then we have a long way to go so get comfy"

he lets out of a small pip before tucking his head under his wing I walk over to the radio and order Hawkeye to return to the carrier as well so we can get a move on as quickly as possible because even though it seems like those girls in Pearl Harbor are down it doesn't seem like they're out and they're gonna wanna know the source of those jets as quickly as possible
—————————[Time skip]—————————
I watch the E-2 slowly land on the flight deck hooking the catch cable and beginning to taxi back down to the hanger

'Ok first sortie is a success all planes are back undamaged and we are ready to start our mad dash to the Atlantic and from there we can make our way towards the North coast of Canada near the Arctic circle but first we need to get out of the Pacific'

i take a step back and sit down in my Captain seat giving jet a small pet

"Hard right 180° and bring speed up to 30 knots and set course for the coast of New Zealand"

I look at the map and by my distance from Pearl and direction i can pin point my location pretty easily and look at the map and location and even at 30 knots it still take about 2 days until I reach New Zealand


"just sitting here is so boring nothing to do on this stupid boat i guess i can take a nap pass the time a little at least"

The story of the Liberator [discontinued for rewrite]Where stories live. Discover now