Face off

740 9 7

Liberator's POV
The Pacific 60 miles from Papua New Guinea

Alaska "wait so your telling me then we are in an alternate reality version of the past where ships ARE WOMEN And The sirens are already invading earth"

Me "yeah thats just about all that I know"

Alaska "i'm going to need a minute"

He walks out of the bridge most likely to head to his quarters i sigh before heading out of the bridge and making my way back onto my ship entering the nice AC chilled command deck I flip on the radar scanning the area for hostiles when I see nothing I turn it off picking up the radio

Me "Wolf squadron Your up for patrol sortie immediately"

I moved to put the radio back but before I can I noticed a message coming through on an open channel

Me "can't I just have a moment of fucking peace around here before something happens"

??? "USS liberator this is the HMS Prince of Wales hailing you on open channel my task force and I have been ordered to bring you in by azure lane command please come in quietly please respond if you're receiving this hail"

Motherfuckers I should've sunk those ships from before when I had the damn chance I'll ignore the radio call for now

Me "Alaska get ready shit is about to go down"

Alaska "why what's happening"

Me "those ship girls I mentioned well I've kind of had a run in or two with them and now they want to bring me back to their version of Pearl Harbor and you know I don't think I want to do that"

Alaska "copy but first how am I supposed do use the weapons as one person"

Me "oh I forgot to tell you the same way you move you just think about where you want to fire and it fires "

Alaska "Good copy liberator I am ready to rumble USS Alaska out"

I flip on the radar and see about 10 dots northwest of us

Me "God damn it they must really want my fucking head good thing with Alaska here now We're going to tear them apart"

I pick up the radio once more for a final message just to rile up those bitches a bit

Me "this is the USS liberator to the HMS Prince of Wales I do not intend to go quietly into the night so if you want me come over here and fucking get me"

Intentionally choose not to mention Alaska and my message so when they get over here they will have a big surprise waiting for them in the form of A wall of 460 mm armor piercing shells  I quickly radio wolf squadron to return to the carrier before putting the radio back I strategically place me in Alaska in a nearby straight in between a grouping of islands so the girls Will be funneled into a killing field between Alaska's guns and my jets And If things get desperate my guns as well So now we wait hahaha They have no idea what they're sailing into a  death trap.

———————Time skip——————————
Prince of Wales POV
Some 55 miles from Papua new Guinea

I look around at the proud task task force of mixed eagle union and Royal navy ships all assemble just to capture one carrier Advanced or not we have enough fire power here to take on an entire siren fleet without batting an eye as it is consisting of both camps best ships The eagle union brought along

USS enterprise
USS hornet
USS Iowa
USS Cleveland
USS Denver

And for the royal navy we have brought a proud fleet of

HMS Prince of Wales
HMS Belfast
HMS illustrious
HMS warspite
HMS hood

They'll bring this many powerful ships after one carrier might be risky right now but if the carrier is advanced as we think it is it could pay off a ton in the long run now we just got a hope that the threat of not going quietly was just a threat

Cleveland "Wales it seems that she is trying to hide in between a grouping of islands and I think there's another big ship with her"

Me "got it as for the other ship it's probably just the islands messing with the radar"

Cleveland "copy that I'll go get this Girl that's caused us so much trouble"

————————Time skip—————————
liberator's POV
52 miles from Papua New Guinea

Me and Alaska Lie in wait ready to Spring the trap assume as they get in within 3 miles I launch a Hawkeye to scout them out a bit before we get to the main show

Me "you ready for the fun Alaska it's gonna be like Panama all over again"

Alaska "Hell yeah liberator this is gonna be one good fucking time I've been itching to sink something"

Me "Roger tango Alaska be ready to rumble liberator out"

I cut the Channel so they can't intercept it letting them know The presence of Alaska Even though knowing their technology level I doubt they could ever break the encryption but you know better safe than sorry I watch the dots with every passing turn of the radar line inch closer and closer to their own demise and with the scouting from the hawkeye I could tell the fleet is consisted of three carriers,four battleships and three Cruisers Easy pray my plan is to get those battleships and cruisers within firing range of Alaska while I rule the skies making sure not a single damn plane from those carriers get anywhere near us and even if they did our combined anti-aircraft guns Could clear the sky single-handedly

Alaska "liberator here they come seems to be quite a fleet you sure about this?"

Me " holdfast Alaska don't worry They might be a pretty stout fleet but they have nothing over pure technological advancement and also I think those mean guns of yours it's going to do them something nasty"

Alaska "you always were the optimistic type liberator but if you're sure I'll follow you to the end of the Earth"

Me "good to hear Alaska now let's show them what true war ships are made of!"

Alaska "HURRAH"

[Authors note]

What did y'all think of the chapter? Suggestions and constructive criticism are always welcome

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