December 7th

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Liberator's POV
The Pacific 250 miles off the coast of Oahu
7:30 Am

The fleet slowly comes to a halt with Alaska sailing ahead to get to his staging area about 30 miles off the coast of Pearl Harbor i coordinated it so by the time he gets there the first missiles should be hitting their targets across the islands as soon as I stop the first F-18 squads automatically line up on the deck taking off and forming into their squadrons as the last F-18 takes off about three minutes later Washington and Lincoln both fire four cruise missiles

Liberator 'yesterday December 7th 1941.....'

Lincoln"what the fuck are we doing?"

Washington "what we need too to survive"

Lincoln"but this? This is fucking madness"

Liberator "No this is survival, kill or be killed you got to learn that Lincoln sorry it Has to be the hard way"

Lincoln "what have we become?"

——————————Time skip———————————
7:54 am

Alaska "callsign patriot this is callsign tundra I am in position what is the ETA to arrival of the care package over"

Liberator "tundra this is patriot ETA is 45 seconds over"

Alaska "copy that patriot..............may God bless our souls"

No ones POV
Pearl harbor 7:55 AM

All of the girls are getting the party ready to surprise the commander when a distant roar is heard throughout the base in a plaza confusion runs rampant

Enterprise "what is that?"

Cleveland "I have no idea, wait a minute doesn't it sound like those planes from that carrier?"

before she could respond streaks of light enter view quickly hurtling towards the base and the newly awoken commander rushed into the plaza

The Commander "I heard the situation get your AA systems ready, it could be a siren attack!"

The girls quickly start to follow his orders dropping their party supplies but before they could prepare for a possible attack the streaks of light now numbering eight in total begin a downward arc towards the base and within seconds they touchdown at their targets causing mass of explosions to the repair yards and multiple different ships The number of explosions and the sheer size of them completely rocks the base before they could even realize the reality of the situation jets begin their attack runs hitting all top priority ships with harpoon missiles and after all priority ships have become a burning wreck they moved onto hitting fuel and ammunition facilities causing even larger explosions after about five minutes of constant missile attacks the aircraft peeled off heading back to the carrier

Illustrious "Is it over?"

At that moment large booms could be heard in the distance as they look in that direction they can see massive shells flying through the air, screams can be heard as they hit their targets many of them ships causing the ships and girls massive damage, the off shore bombardment continues for three more minutes in which 28 more shells from the Alaska are hurled at Pearl Harbor leaving death and destruction in their wake.
liberator's POV
230 miles off the coast of Oahu

Liberator "And just like that the entire Pacific fleet of Azure lane is sunk"

Alaska "now where we headed we got free range for at least a couple of months"

Liberator "Midway, my plan is to set up a forward base of operations there which we can use to coordinate our efforts in the Pacific and could also be used as a re-supply and repair depot"

Washington "Now that sounds nice and all but where are we going to get the supplies for such a project"

Liberator "well if I'm being completely honest I haven't thought that far ahead"

Lincoln "putting all our Faith in something that might not even happen I like the way you think liberator"

??? "Well gents I could help you out with your resource problem"

Washington "and who might your British ass be?"

??? "RFA Fort Victoria, Nice to make your acquaintance"

Liberator " wait a minute you're one of those Royal Navy supply ships aren't you, most your class was sunk in the beginning of the invasion right"

FV "correct but I don't feel like dwelling on that much"

Lincoln "this is some convenient bullshit"

Washington "agreed"

Liberator "you two pipe down, what is your current location Fort Victoria"

FV "32 miles South of Midway"

Liberator "copy that, hold your position The fleet will rendezvous with you in approximately 22 hours"

FV "copy that liberator Fort Victoria out"

Alaska " do you think that's really him liberator or a trap?"

Liberator "only one way to find out, Lets get a move on set a course for midway"

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