A friendly face from an old world

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authors note
I am working on the main story and I want it to be good also sorry for kinda giving up on my book for like 2 months so thanks for reading :)
Liberator's POV
The Solomon Islands 72 Miles from Papua New Guinea

I awake from my quick 2 hour nap and stretch i pick up Jet from his perch and to walk the bridge that was now illuminated in the fluorescent lights from above

I take my seat as the moon quickly takes its place in the sky i send out a squadron of 6 F-35s to patrol the 20 mile radius around the ship I look down checking all the radars to make sure they're clear before moving over to a separate Table and pulling a map Out of drawer next to me and I spend a while working out where I am

' looking by where I was before I fell asleep I'm guessing I am about 70 to 75 miles from Guinea probably take me about another hour or so to reach the coast and from there I'm Bound for The Indies'

I nod myself before picking up the map and neatly putting it back the drawer before flipping on the radar and scanning the area for any hostile ships the radar passes around the screen a few times a then a group of 6 dots appear nearly 30 miles to my East

'should probably send us some Hornets to go check that out'

I stand up grabbing the Radio and move towards the front window

Me "Maverick squadron your up sorting immediately"

Maverick 1-1 " this is Maverick 1-1 to command good copy we are sorting immediately over"

Me "copy that Maverick 1-1 your mission is to investigate radar blips about 30 miles due east of here over"

Maverick 1-1 "good copy command consider it done"

I put back the radio and watch the Jets move on the flight deck and prepare for takeoff

'Though i don't need to order my jets to take off I could just do that with my thoughts really breaks up the monotony and loneliness of being out here all by myself '


—————————Time Skip———————

Maverick 1-1 " command this is Maverick 11 we have spotted a fleet of unknown black ships consisting of one aircraft carrier two battleships and three light cruisers how copy over"

Me " good copy Maverick 1-1 The fleet is most likely consisting of siren ship so paint them as hostiles over"

Maverick 1-1 "copy command are we cleared for engagement over?"

Me " you are clear Maverick squadron weapons free send them to hell"

Maverick 1-1 " Roger tango command maverick 1-1 Out"

And nod myself before putting the radio back onto the holder when all of a sudden another blip suddenly appears only 3 miles off the horizon south-southeast of me The blip is already set as friendly and identified as the battleship USS Alaska


Without even realizing a yell out of shock and also a bit of excitement jet very clearly disliked my decision of yelling as he made sure to bite my ear I am mediately hop on the horn begin my hails

Me " USS Alaska this is the USS liberator trying to hail you on an open channel please respond over"

??? "H-hello this is the USS Alaska responding to your hail i'm reading you liberator thank God!"

Me " I can't believe it to you it's been so lonely here so glad I'm found somebody from home"

Alaska " speaking of Home WHERE THE FUCK ARE WE also how in the hell are we humans"

Me " get your ass over here and I'll try to explain Most of what I know"

Alaska "copy that liberator steamy a head full speed see you soon"

I breath a sigh of relief before laughing to myself I can't believe it another fucking person from my world not one of those crazy cracked out ship women or whatever the hell is siren is

Maverick 1-1 "command this is Maverick squadron we have dispatched of the enemy fleet with only using half of our anti-ship missiles are we cleared to return to the carrier?over"

Me " you are cleared to return to the nest Maverick squadron see you soon"

After about 10 minutes Maverick squadron appears just over the horizon and at the same time I can see the gray dot of Alaska Steaming ahead flank speed another minute later and the last of the Jets land safely on deck hooking the wire and taxiing to the elevator at this point I can see Alaska clearly The giant type 94 guns casting a shadow over the sea and I can see him standing in the window of his bridge waving out at me and quickly waved back a smile plastered across my face I slow down a tad to let Alaska form his ship up on my right to where we're nearly even steaming across the sea I run down to my flight deck as fast as I can and using my enhanced physical abilities to jump the gap between our ships barely landing on to one of the many cat walks along the side of the ship I run toward the bridge full speed Jesus I'm about to open the Bullhead leading upwards it fly is open and I'm tackled to the ground in a hug

Alaska " you don't know how good it is to see you things were really hard after you were sunk outside Hawaii and I missed you a lot"

Even though we were ships of completely different classes me and Alaska were always like brothers being launched on the same day and we were stationed in same fleet for most of our service lives

Me " I missed you too Alaska"

I quickly return his hug before standing up brushing off my uniform and walking up to the bridge with Alaska in toe to explain our current "predicament"

The story of the Liberator [discontinued for rewrite]Where stories live. Discover now