A new world

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Author note
I just wanted to quickly make a note before the story begins about a couple of things for the main character is that one there is probably gonna be no romance like 99.9% sure and two is that one thing that's always bugged me about other stories about you know about Azure Lane and modern war ships is that whenever they come in contact the main character just rolls over and joins them and I don't really like that so not gonna do that And i will update as much as possible but they might be kind of slow and chapters might start off pretty short but I'm gonna try to work on making them way longer  also here are some font tips even though you probably don't need them they are for my own sake lol

BOLD-person that's talking or thinking
Underline-place or time

Liberator POV
Somewhere in the Pacific
Slowly up my eyes annoyed at the constant cawing of a seagull in the distance and the sun immediately blinds i quickly move my hand up from the rough tarmac of a flight deck to block the sun out i can hear the gentle lapping of waves against the hull of a ship and the continuous calling of those damned seagulls slowly set up looking at my surroundings and i can tell I'm on a ship a aircraft carrier to be exact

' wait what isn't just any aircraft carrier this is my aircraft carrier this is my flight deck'

" doesn't make any sense why am I a person I'm a ship I was sunk in that battle of Hawaii I was vaporized along with what was left of my sister America before i figure that i should probably get inside to get out of this damn heat"

A stand up and make my way across the flight deck towards the Bridge passing a couple of Super hornets on the way I struggled to open the heavy bulk head for a moment before it flies open throwing me back on to the deck

"Son of bitch what the hell do they make these flight decks so fucking rough i swear I'm going cut myself on it"

I pick myself up checking my crisp officer's uniform for rips before making my way into the bridge as I walk into the main command deck eerie silence surrounds me with none of the usual background noise and chatter of the crew to fill the air I stand there for a moment looking over everything to make sure it's in top working condition before doing a check for any damages to the ship with the ship condition scan system that was built into the ship so the captain and crew can easily check for damages after a minute Report comes back that the ship is in the top working condition and no damage has been sustained

"WHAT The fuck this thing must be broken what does it mean no damages I was hit by at least seven fucking missiles and I can't even remember how many bombs and torpedoes I was hit by"

reboot the system and scan it two more times both times it comes back soon the same thing I get annoyed and shut it down deciding I'll go check for myself about an hour or so later after doing a full inspection of the ship and Aircraft I'm speechless nothing not a thing not a dent not a scratch on the paint and my aircraft 100% rearmed and refueled i return to the bridge and take a seat and the captains chair basking in the cold air seeing as it's one of the only places in the ship that has any decent air conditioning

'I should probably start thinking about my next course of action and first things first is figuring out how the fuck to get this thing moving'

I stand up pacing in front of the room for a moment

"how the hell does one get a super carrier moving forward by themselves"

as soon as I'm done speaking I almost fell backwards from the sudden lurching forward of the ship I stabilize myself looking out the window and indeed seeing the ship has started to move I take a minute trying to understand how it's moving before a realization hit me
"i am the ship maybe that means I can move it we are one and the same it does kind of makes sense guess it's time to test out my theory Liberator Full stop"

as soon as the words leave my mouth the The ship slows to a stop

"Ok so now I know how to move the ship Let's see if I can do anything else CIWS 1 through 8 fire off the left side of the ship"

on command to CIWS Systems light up covering the sky ahead with thousands of depleted uranium rounds

"Oh this is so cool! So I have control of the weapon systems see about the aircraft Launch 3 super hornets and 3 F-35B's and do two circles around the ship before landing"

immediately the aircraft move onto the flight deck and takeoff forming two squadrons that do two large circles around the radius of the ship before landing

"OK then well I full control of the ship but I still don't know where I am or where to go hmmmm I'm gonna try to figure out where I am first and to do that I need to take some samples of the water"

I move out of the bridge back out on to the flight deck before heading down to the hanger to grab a rope after acquiring The vital length of rope I head towards the edge of the ship tying my rope off on the metal railing I throw it down toward the sea after making sure it was nice and sturdy I slowly climb down towards the water after getting to a point where I could get my feet in the surprisingly warm water I grab a plastic bottle out of my pocket moving it down so the ocean water could fill it before climbing back up i try to untie it from the railing but fail miserably after attempt it some more I just give up and cut the rope letting it fall into the sea I grabbed the water bottle back out of my pocket now full of the greenish blue sea water bring it up to my lips before taking a sip the salt in it hits me immediately but not as bad as I expected I spit it back out and put the water bottle back in my pocket

"it wasn't that salty so i can say it's probably not the Atlantic so so that only leaves the Pacific and seeing how warm the water was probably in the central or Southern Pacific so I should probably set a course for Pearl Harbor."

I hike my way back up into the command deck

"Liberator forward 25 knots and set course for Oahu,Hawaii"

I sit back in the captains chair looking over the clock saying it was only about 1:30 in the afternoon I get comfortable looking over the intercom system swiping through for a bit before finding music that was uploaded on it by the Crew I just saw the play the song Stairway To Heaven by Led Zeppelin before getting comfortable in my seat and relaxing feeling the ship cut through the waves as the music fills the air
No ones POV              (Pow-Prince of Wales)
Two hours later at Pearl Harbor
Two girls are seen walking on the streets of the large naval base talking about the recent plethora of activity

Cleveland" things are getting pretty exciting around here wouldn't you say!"

Pow " overcrowded is what I would call it Eagle union and Royal Navy are gathering here and things don't seem to be slowing down"

Cleveland " but you can't guess who's coming in from our side i'll give you a hint she's received the most battle stars ever"

Pow" aw yes The gray ghost and the bulk of the real navy should be arriving soon as well Base is quickly becoming central to all of our activities"
Cleveland "come on we should at least go say hello"
The girls go and greet a aircraft carrier named illustrious. A while later The three ships are seen talking together in the Azurelana academy   

PoW " if this buildup continues this base could become the hottest front if war were to break out with the Sakura empire"

Illustrious " but why wage such a pointless conflict?"

PoW "because no matter what era we are in war never changes it's for that reason we were created"

Little did she know when she said that A factor that she could've never imagined will make the war to come change oh so drastically

The story of the Liberator [discontinued for rewrite]Where stories live. Discover now