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Liberator's POV
Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea

A light breeze ruffles my hair as i stand on top of a box watching the cranes slowly load supplies on to the two immense ships I let out a sigh looking back out to the entrance of the abandoned Port with paranoia creeping up my spine

'fuck this is taking so long and another fleet is most likely not far behind our trail I guarantee it and the longer the this takes the more of a chance they have of getting here before we can get out'

I hop off the crate making my way down the street which was full of abandon cars and supplies parts of the town are even flooded luckily me and Alaska were able to scavenge enough to keep us at sea Long enough for us to most likely make it to Cape Town where we could resupply again that's if it is abandoned of course another great thing is that both me and Alaska a nuclear powered so we won't have to worry about fuel solutions for another 25 years or so and I have enough munitions for my planes on board to last two maybe three years but Alaska on the other hand it's going to need constant resupplies of ammunition.

Also I could always go for topping off my food and munitions so it's best to resupply whenever we can and seeing how port Moresby is abandoned I'm gonna guess most other naval bases are as well probably from the sirens

They tried to knock out most of our naval bases during the siren war but luckily our defenses were more than enough of a match for them but these World War II girls seem strong but not strong enough even if these versions of the sirens are clearly weaker.

Even so I shouldn't underestimate them they still have their advanced laser technologies as well as jets again a weak version of jets but still nothing to underestimate A screech interrupts my train of thought look up to find the source as Jet sores down on to my shoulder a hefty rat clamped firmly in his talons I gave him a quick scratch before returning to my thoughts.

Thank God the cranes are automated if they weren't we'd be here all week trying to load the massive crates of supplies onto the ships

'Ugh i don't even want to think about it I'd rather die'

I grab the handheld ham radio attached to my belt

Me "How are things going with the supplies how much longer"

Alaska "everything is going smoothly about 84% of the supplies are loaded and one of the cranes broke it's pulley system and i have to halt the loading until i can repair it but it shouldn't take that long maybe fifteen-twenty minutes max so about another hour or so"

Me "An hour! is that fastest you can go is there anyway to speed it up I'm worried the longer we wait the more chance that they're going to catch up to us"

Alaska " I know you're worried but unless we get those two other broken cranes up and running then we aren't going any faster"

Me "Ok fine just please try to hurry"

Alaska "copy that over and out"

A gust of wind rips through the ghost town much stronger than the refreshing breeze from earlier rattling most of abandoned junk creating an eerie metallic sound though under the sound I swear I can hear an engine I spin around scanning the sky and my heart drops

' A kingfisher SHIT they know we're here we need to leave now!'

I fumble with my belt grabbing the ham radio again almost dropping it

Me "Alaska pack it up we're leaving now we've been made"

I finish my sentence leaving no room for discussion

Alaska "copy finishing up now"

I nod to myself clipping the radio back of my waist before beginning to sprint back to the Harbor I jump landing on the flight deck tripping over one of the hook wires falling on my face

'Fuck my nose is probably broken whatever I'll get an ice pack or something later The enemy is more important'

Alaska " hey liberator sorry to interrupt or anything but I think it's too late there mining the entrance to the port"

Me "WHAT!"

I run to the window and sure enough two Fletcher class destroyers are throwing mines over their decks trapping us here

Me "Fuck! Fuck!! FUCK!!!"

Alaska "Soooo got any ideas?"

Me "Ummmm let me think for a second...................We dig in"

Alaska "seriously that's a great plan sit here and let them Starve us out"

Me "Well they can only stay here for so long and we're in a fortified port with superior technology and more supplies we can hold out longer than they have patience"

Alaska "OK fine if you're sure about this"

Me "reassuring to hear now let's prepare our Alamo"

Alaska "you got it over and out"

If it's a fight they want it's a fight they'll get
i guess they haven't learned their lesson yet

At the same time the kingfisher flies over clearly spotting out our ships

Me "CWIS six shoot down that fucking Kingfisher"

The system swings in the action locking onto the float plane unleashing a hail of bullets tearing it apart From there the gun turns back to its original position leaving it to crash down into the sea

Me "Bullseye"


I turn and see Alaska taking a pot shot at the mine laying destroyers hitting one blowing a hole through its bridge and somehow lighting The rear magazine ablaze causing a massive explosion which caused the other destroyer to be rocked enough to list to one side taking on water and after a minute or two both destroyers slowly sink beneath the waves

A Beautiful Display of power

??? "Well Well look at what we've caught The two rogue Eagle union ships why don't you just give up now so we don't have to send you to the bottom of that Harbor"

Of course another interruption but I'll go along

Me "Big words for a small dog but why don't we get properly acquainted first my name is CVN-86 USS Liberator and my friend is BB-65 USS Alaska so what's your name"

Hornet "My Is USS Hornet CV-12 but what the hell do you mean CVN-86 no such carrier exists what does the N stand for!"

Me "well answer your first question none of your damn business and answer your second question none of your fucking business but I believe this was A very productive conversation good day miss hornet"

Hornet "wait hold on don't-"

Good fucking riddance now then let's focus on preparing the defenses if they want to come get us they're gonna have to dig us out of this port and I've fully prepared to fight tooth and nail every step of the way.

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