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Liberator's POV
Midway atoll, 4:33pm

It's been 3 weeks since the nuclear incident luckily it seems that Azur lane didn't pick up anything unusual with my ship dry docked for damage that went unrepaired after the break out of Port Moresby and emperor under retrofit for a quieter propulsion system to avoid detection by Azur Lane radars that are surprisingly advanced for World War II ships, a battle would not be the best thing for us right now.

As i think to myself my legs carry me to the makeshift Coms center thats currently run by Alaska to monitor enemy communications

Me "Hey anything new on the radio?"

Alaska "nothing out of the ordinary, but been some more chatter about that tide turner"

Me " any idea what they mean by that yet?"

Alaska "Not a clue but by recent back and forth between the fleets it might be a ship or some sort of weapon"

Me "why do you think that?"

Alaska "because the main fleet and the enterprise fleet have been bickering quite a bit on who gets first dibs"

Me "interesting. Keep me updated if anything new happens."

Alaska "Will do, sir"

He gives me a mock salute before put the head set back on and writing down the messages filtering through the chatter. I start towards the door to finish my rounds of checking up on the rest of the fleet

Alaska "Sir! Pearl Harbor is transmitting on all open channels get over here!"

I spin around away from the door and race towards the radio Alaska hands me a headset and pulls out the chair next to him. After a minute of pure suspense a female voice is heard from the other for a minute the voice is to quiet to make out but then a shuffling is heard on the other end

??? "To anyone listening this is the USS America CVN-84 transmitting from Azur lane HQ in Pearl Harbor attempting to contact the USS Liberator I repeat This is the USS America CVN-84 transmitting from Azur lane HQ in Pearl Harbor attempting to contact the USS Liberator"

My jaw goes slack

Me "She's alive?"

Alaska "And a Fucking traitor"

Me "he's right. my own sister is a traitor? No way this has got to be a misunderstanding maybe they took her hostage? Or it's fake but then again how would they fake that?"

Me "Alaska set up the long range coms i need to hear this from her whether she's our enemy or not Just the thought of having to fight my own sister hurt worse the any pain I've ever felt, her and unity taught me everything, at the time I wasn't exactly alive but i still remember them, all of my first deployments were with them"

Alaska "I understand if it were one of my own blood i'd feel the same way I couldn't imagine having to fight Puerto Rico or Dallas"


Me "Eta until the long range radio is up and running?"

Alaska "Any minute now"

Just then the large radio system began to buzz to life and Alaska handed me a headset with a microphone attached to the side

Alaska "press that button when you're ready"

I nod eyeing the small black button under a couple of dials and a screen displaying the frequency and power of the radio. I sit for moment to take a deep breath and press down hard on the button

Me "Rainbow"

The signal that's been broadcasting the message on a loop stops and a static lights up on the other line

Alaska looks at me

Alaska "what's the counter challenge?"

Me "Arc-"

America "Archer, Little brother what the hell are
you doing?"

Me "That's what I should be asking you, you're the one convening with the fucking enemy"

America "THE ENEMY!?, Do you mean our country!"

Me "What country? The United States is gone left in the old world we were dragged from"

America "that's not true and you know it, The Eagle Union is our home different name a different reality but it's the same place but instead of realizing that you started this crusade of terror and chaos, firing upon and sinking your own ships, your own people that you swore to protect, ti fight against the sirens for humanity but here you are instead fighting with your own"

Me "You have no idea what I've been through since coming here I went from making the final sacrifice of nuclear fire in an attempt to save humanity to waking up in an ocean with no one but me a human version of a ship and to try to make this make sense I tried to return to my home of pearl only to find instead of a strengthened and united humanity fighting against an invasion from the unknown, I find a splintered humanity, trying to destroy itself and I had to make a choice go with the copycat bad version of the allies or the fucking axis, and instead of choosing either I made my own damn side, so don't give me any damn lecture about fighting for humanity or honor."

America "Was pearl still your home when you bombed it?"

Me "What do you want"

America "For my brother, to see sense to give up this war and come home what happened already happened and nobody can change it but we can change what happens from here on, like you said humidity is splintered and we need to work to put it back together I can convince Azur Lane that you were confused and scared and lashing out, but you need to meet me halfway. Please little brother"

Alaska looks at me waiting for my answer suspense etched into his features

Me "meet me at Little North Island bring Azur lane we'll talk then"

America "Thank you!"

I turn off the radio standing up

Alaska "That's it? We're going to turn ourselves in?"

Me "No we're laying a trap to catch a rat "

Alaska "Thank god I really thought she got to you for a minute there"

Me "get the fleet together and meet in your war room at 21:00 hours"

Alaska "Sir yes sir, im on it"

I head to my ship and arrive at the bridge after giving Jet some head scratches and treat I grab a map and clear off the table in the center of the room and begin planning Operation Typhoon.

The story of the Liberator [discontinued for rewrite]Where stories live. Discover now