Face off p2

728 13 5

Prince of Wales POV
52 miles from Papua New Guinea

The cold wind whips hitting me in the face

'storms probably gonna roll through here soon hope we can get this done quick'

through the ocean as we start heading into The straight leading to the "liberators" location, Cleveland is the first ship to enter the straight as soon as she does she lets out a gasp and takes a step back as I am the one right behind her I quickly follow to see what's wrong and as soon as I do a wall of dread makes me almost stumble back the sight in front of me is indescribable two massive ships one being the carrier that we've been chasing after and one battleship so massive it's hard to even imagine easily two times the size of our biggest battleship the USS New Jersey my god it's probably even bigger than the Sakura empire's famous Yamato and Musashi battleships

Before I could assess the situation more of the girls file in the straight behind me there's about four of us in the straight when The ship unleashes a massive broadside causing an unholy roar to shake the sea and a second later massive pillars of water explode all around us one of the shells hits my rigging ripping it in half the pain causes me to fall over and things slowly go dark around me as I hear screaming and I can faintly tell that it's my own.

Liberators POV
52 miles from Papua New Guinea

I sit and wait for them to Spring the trap than a moment later I see a girl sailing into the Straight she has multiple guns attached to her body they look to be from the Cleveland class of ships so it's most likely either the USS Cleveland or one of the many sister ships of the class And behind her I see another woman in a much more regal uniform fit of royalty with much larger guns most likely a battleship possibly the red Oak or maybe a king George class judging by the guns in the overall shape of ship suit hard to tell exactly which though and then another two in a pair which seems to be another Cleveland class woman and A woman that seems to be a Iowa class...........well well it seems things are gonna get interesting now.

Me "that's enough ships for now Alaska send them to the bottom of the sea"

Alaska "sir yes sir......FIRE!!!"

Roar of unimaginable magnitude rocks the sea and just the overwhelming fire power from the full broadside throws Alaska sideways so much so that I worry The ship is going to list I see the girls nearly fall over from the Roar alone

if that's what makes them fall over they're not even close to ready for the shells as I watch the shells fly through the air I see that all of the shells but one miss but that one that hits really hits hard I can see that the ship suit attached to her back is nearly ripped in half tearing one of the large guns comes out of its socket clearly causing the woman extreme pain I see the Second Cleveland class girl going to help the now knocked out Woman

Me "Alaska load your far back gun quickly and then go for that girl going to help the woman you hit"

Alaska "copy"

I see the back gun swing to the right trailing the girl skating along the water to support her friend I can tell when it's loaded as the guns raise into position another roar fills the silence of the sea though not as loud as the first volley The three shells fly through the air one going a few feet over her head the second one landing a foot in front of her causing her to stumble backwards and the third and final one hitting her directly in the chest causing her to fly backwards i zoom in the binoculars best as I can and I can see the water is she landed is quickly filling with blood and her ship suit is completely falling apart I see what seems to be the rest of the fleet falling in behind the ships already in the straight I see their three aircraft carriers launching multiple squadrons of aircraft

Me "Falcon squadron and cardinal squadron You're up sortie immediately your mission is to take air superiority of the surrounding areas shoot down all enemy aircraft on sight"

24 F35s should be enough to handle anything they throw at the sky another world shaking roar is unleashed as Alaska fires a second volley Jet screeches in disagreement of the loud noise flapping his wings in meek protest before tucking his head back down I look back up and I quickly glimpse the last F35 launching off deck They form up into a large triangle formation before splitting up once again cutting down the squadrons of enemy dive bombers like mechanical predators to prey I once again move my view back to the ship girls attempting to retreat out of the evident trap but they had sailed right into luckily I looked just in time to see the shells from the second volley hit their marks This time there were no hits but it seems just the shells landing near them is more enough to rattle them to their very core but a few manage to return Alaska's fire with their own just for the shells to ping off Alaskas hull doing little more than piss him off, 'let's check out the chaos going on over their coms'

??? "Enterprise we need planes to take care of that battleship now I don't know how much longer we can last out here!"

Enterprise "i'm trying but those planes from the aircraft carrier is tearing my dive bombers apart and the fighters can't get anywhere near them!!"

??? "call command to get us out of here NOW if we stay here none of us are making it out we're all gonna die here, they were waiting for us we weren't the hunters we were the hunted!"

??? "IM TRYING I'm waiting for them to Answer"

??? "HURRY Before that battleship fires again!"

??? "Task force 1 this is your commander speaking how is the mission going? Have you found the carrier yet"

CLEVELAND "This is Cleveland The mission has been a total failure we were led into a trap we have encountered a huge battleship and what we presume is to be the carrier which is also massive we are being fired upon by the battleship as we speak Prince of Wales was hit as well as Denver both of which are heavily damaged so we need reinforcements immediately!"

Command "copy that Cleveland. what of the carriers? Have their planes been able to counter the enemy at all?!"

Cleveland "no sir the enemy carrier's Advanced planes are swatting them like flies"

Command "copy I've made my decision get back here immediately and report I don't need any more of you getting hurt your our best ships if we lose any of you that'll be a disaster"

I switch off the radio having heard enough and I look back to the girls to the carriers starting to pull out of the straight and their battleships meekly returning fire unable to Pierce Alaska's super heavy armor even the Iowas guns merely bounce into the sea Upon the angled armor of Alaska's broadsides

Me "Alaska fire one more volley aim their battleships then we're pulling out of here"

Alaska "good copy loading up the shells now"

About a minute later one last deafening boom fills in a raging sea as a storm sets in again most of the shells miss but one lucky hit is landed on the Iowa destroying one of her turrets but not knocking her out

Me "that's probably all we got time before reinforcement show up even if they are retreating they're not gonna let us get away with this, we got to bounce"

Alaska "got it throttling the engines now"

Alaska slowly pulls out of the firing position before straightening out and exiting the opposite end of the straight that the girls were on, with myself closing in fast behind him

'well so much for the plan of laying low but luckily plans are adaptable so all we Gotta do now is adapt'

[Authors note]

What did y'all think of the chapter? Suggestions and constructive criticism are always welcome.

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