Operation Typhoon 

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Liberator's POV
Midway Atoll, 9:00pm

I walk at brisk pace towards the docks a manila folder clasped in my hand it's contents holds our victory over Azur lane and my sister

Me "a knock out to throw both of them out of the fight in one fell swoop after that we'll clean up the axis in time and the sirens haven't been much off a threat but we can't get too confident we're low in numbers and doesn't matter how far ahead in technology we are, in time numbers will always wi-"


I recoil almost falling backward at the shock, my hand going to my head as I look up and curse the metal beam I walked into, shaking my head i sigh to myself and head over to the gangway connected to the enormous battleship I make my way on to the deck, enjoying the rustic look thats like something straight out of World War II if not for the advanced anti-aircraft systems and Tomahawks lunching pads, opening up the bulkhead being extra careful not to fall over this time I walk down the dark, quiet hallway, and open up a wooden door, marked the gold plaque "War room" the inside of the room is nicely furnished with a dark oak table, surrounded by a few nice padded chairs that are filled by Alaska,Washington,Lincoln,Emperor, and fort Victoria

Me "Men"

All "Sir!"

They all stand up simultaneously saluting

Me "At ease"

They all quickly sit down ready for the meeting, I set down a few maps of little north island with a few arrows drawn on them

Me "Tomorrow morning at little north island aka the Hermes atoll, we are supposed to meet with my sister and Azur lane to negotiate peace as I'm sure Alaska has already told you all but in reality there will be no talks and especially no peace because we are setting a trap"

Washington "sounds good but what's the plan"

Me "the plan is as follows, Alaska and myself are going to set up right in front of the island to make is seem like we are actually negotiating while Emperor is about a mile out west of us sitting under water waiting for our signal, Washington and Lincoln we're going to be set up about 8 miles east of our position ready on standby for coordinates on tomahawk strikes"

FV "what about me?"

Me "you'll be holding the line here in case of an enemy counter attack or Sirens"

Alaska "how we gonna set this whole thing off?"

Me "We'll draw them in by hailing them to negotiate and once they get in about 10 miles out will have Emperor get behind the fleet to tail them and then once they get Within the range of your guns I'll send out my aircraft, Emperor will open fire and try to get as many as he can with torpedoes before they realize he's there and he'll pull out and then we'll clean up whatever's left with tomahawks and Jets"

Lincoln "Quick and easy, I like it"

The rest of them nod in agreement and look to each other for any disagreement

Me "glad were all on board now go get some rest we set out tomorrow morning"

No ones POV
Pearl Harbor, 10:30pm

A large group of girls sit in a room with clear fire damage and chunks of debris against a few walls,around a large wooden table covered in dust

America "so were all familiar with the plan?"

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