Rough Awakening 

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Liberator POV
Location-Unknown, Time-Unknown

Warmth, that's the first thing i can feel, it feels calming relaxing unlike the cold darkness of sea, remembering the ocean and her sounds i let the pull of sleep drag me away

i shoot up my eyes immediately flying open realizing

'what the fuck is going on?'

where am i? And why am i in a bed? flinging the the comforter off me i go to stand up before immediately falling back down my legs giving out on me, i go to get up again but this time it's dizziness that brings me back down to the mattress.

Me "Son of a bitch! Get up!"

And after another attempt and another failure i sit up again, instead of trying to get up again I'm going to assess the situation first, i sit up throwing my legs off the side of the bed and take a good look around, The room is small but nice, its rustic with a bright window covered by curtains in the corner and a large wooden door on the opposite side of the room, the walls were lined with empty shelves and at the foot of the bad sat an equally empty bookcase and a small dresser with my coat and hat sitting nicely folded on top, with my new found knowledge of my surroundings and a minute to hype myself up i move to stand up this setting my feet on the hard wood floor I carefully push off the bed and nothing i put my hands above my head in celebration

Ok now that is out of the way let's get more acquainted with who ever the fuck put me here, i walk carefully towards the door

Me "What the fuck happened? I remember me and Alaska fighting and then we got pushed back and Alaska wa..."

Alaska is Dead all my movement stopped and the true impact of those words hit me and I remembered all of the deployments all of the fights all of the death even before we were transported here I remember he was more of a sibling than my sisters ever were, we lunched the same day we lead the same fleet even after they spilt the 12th fleet we often fought together and now that was over because of me I should have sounded the retreat or pulled back or anything but fight a battle that was lost before it had even begun, but instead of that i got cocky and now my ship is probably sunk while Alaska is rotting on the sea floor.

I hadn't even noticed my own tears until i saw them slowly fall on floor snapping out of my pity party i take a deep breath and i wipe my face off with my arm. standing up straight i restart my hobble to the door a few tears still escaping my mask

Me "There is time for tears later but first i got to get the fuck out of here to the carrier if it ain't sunk"

About four uneasy steps later and i reach out and grab the door nob and slowly turn it to find that it's locked so i try it again and again and again but the door doesn't budge so i take my remaining strength and throw my shoulder into the door causing me to bounce off the door and fall flat on the ground.

Me "What is with me and doors?"

I sigh to myself as i pick myself up leaning against the door to dust off my pants and shirt

??? "Miss. America asked me to check on him I'll be right back Laffy he's probably still knocked out anyway"

I froze as the as the approaching voices continued

??? "Ok but be back fast"

A second quieter voice responded to the first now the far off voices were accompanied by light footsteps, now in full panic mode i look around quickly for a place to hide usually I would fight but at the moment i can barely stand so im gonna take my chances behind the door it's big enough to hide behind so its my best bet compared, i slip behind it and wait 30 seconds later and i hear the distinct sound of a door unlocking and it slowly opens and i peak though the small gap in the door and small girl with white hair is standing in the door way

The story of the Liberator [discontinued for rewrite]Where stories live. Discover now