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[Authors note]
Sorry for the lack of chapters i recently hit a major patch of writers block I'm back for now and I'm going to try to keep uploading Somewhat regularly thank you for reading:)


Liberator's POV
Port of Makassar, Indonesia

Lightning strikes the rough sea as the storm rages on but that is ignored as Inside Alaskas war room The fleet is gathered as the war changing decision is agreed-upon

Lincoln "I think we should keep going we could possibly make it to Singapore before they even realize we were on the move again"

Alaska "Hell no, fuck running that's all we've been doing since day one I think we should go on the offensive bring the fight to them keep them off our backs once and for all"

Washington "yeah and then we get overwhelmed by enemy air power and bombed to shit when we try to leave sounds like a great idea"

Alaska "that's what liberator is here for his Jets will keep any plans off our back, They can't counter us"

Liberator "sorry Alaska but I'm taking Lincolns and Washingtons side on this one"

Alaska "Man you guys are bunch of bitches, i'll go do it without you fucks"

Washington "shut the fuck up Alaska"

Liberator "Hey you two knock it off i'm still the flagship around here neither of you to ever decision makers, what I say goes"

Alaska "Fine"

Washington "Sir yes sir"

Liberator "like I said before I agree with Washington a forward attack on the enemy main base is a suicide mission but running can only work for so long so here's my idea one week from now We carry out a surprise strike on the Azure Lane fleet moored in Pearl Harbor with a simultaneous strike from my F-18s and cruise missiles from Lincoln and Washington while Alaska carries out offshore bombardment attacking strategic points across the island we will carry out the attack early in the morning when most of the ships will be asleep from what we know from the last battle we have already sunk the USS Iowa the HMS dorsetshire and HMS king george v, so with those ships out of the way our priority targets will be USS Essex,USS enterprise,USS hornet USS Yorktown,HMS warspite,HMS Queen Elizabeth, USS Cleveland and finally HMS Prince of Wales and before you ask my Hawkeyes did confirm that all of the ships are present at Pearl Harbor any questions or complaints"

Alaska "None here"

Washington "Nope I love it"

Lincoln " I only have one question what date exactly are we planning to carry out the attack"

Liberator "December 7th"


No ones POV
Pearl Harbor,Oahu

Two ship girls are seen, HMS javelin and HMS unicorn, excitedly chatting as people scramble around them

Javelin "can't believe the seventh is already here I didn't realize the commanders birthday was so close he has done so much for us I don't know how we're going to repay him with just a party"

Unicorn "i hope The commander likes the party we put so much effort into it it's planned for early right?"

Javelin "yeah we're planning to wake him around 8 in the morning"

Suddenly a unicorn began to frown

Javelin "what's wrong?"

Unicorn "Nothing I just got a bad feeling"

[Authors note]

Hello again Sorry for the short chapter this
Was really just filler for the next chapter I promise the next one will be much longer thank you again for reading :)

The story of the Liberator [discontinued for rewrite]Where stories live. Discover now