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All my life I have lived in this island and yet I have never seen the outside world, I have a sister and she was kinda a douche to me, but we still had fun with each other. For as long as I can remember I never looked like her and she never looked like me but that didn't tell us apart since everybody looked different, there was the ocasional look alike but they never acted the same as the other. I looked like a white dragon with a light blue path on my back, I was also a feral, as in all fours, but my sister was on two feet, she looked like a velociraptor that faded from blueish to green but fading across her entire body kinda way. Apart from all of the fighting we had amongst ourselves we still got along somehow. I was the one that got hurt the most and she was the attacker even though that I look like I could beat her up harder, what species were we you may ask? Well obviously, actually maybe not obviously, we are Rygaarn Feners, this entire island with a population of more than 200, one special thing with us is that we have an assigned buddy as a ritual provided by birth, mine was a cube that had eight floating corners and a blue core with a white inner core. I don't know what my sisters was since I can't check right now, but I'm sure it was also a cube, she always is so somehow protective of everything that we have, she also hogs everything, but this isn't about her right? It's about me so why don't we talk about me. Well first off I might look like a girl but I preferred to be called a guy, my reasons? Cause I'm both a guy and a girl, you might not get it especially since it's rare to see a rygaarn fener with two genders but once you've met me you've met them all in a manner of speaking, so why don't we get onto the actual story cause I'm getting really sidetracked here. The last thing I remember well was nothing. But now I'm here in this strange place, it looks like some sort of laboratory, there's robotic parts hanging like they are, well "were" building a machine but some of the parts are missing, i wondered where they were but I was interrupted by a noise and I realized that I'm in a giant cage, I struggled around of course to see if I could come loose but of course I couldn't come loose. They tightened them, for some reason, and started speaking in this language I didn't understand but the only words that sound a little bit familiar to me was "speak English?" I didn't know what it was but I shook my head in case if it was a language confirmation, which I thought was somehow correct. Due to the way that they reacted I just sat there thinking of what they were going to do, of course I still couldn't make out any words but I could tell by the look they had, they were gonna experiment on me, and sure enough I was right they made me swallow something and took a blood sample. I woke up a few days later in a form that they looked like, standing upright. They did something that I didn't know about to my body, I was locked in a chair now but I was calm, more than before at least. After a few days of me being calm towards them, they presumably thought wasn't going to attack them, and of course in gratitude of them letting me go I didn't attack them but when I got off the chair I immediately fell to the ground due to my legs and balance, I wasn't used to standing upright without a tail to help balance me. As I fell over I somehow turned fluff and grew a snout, I was still very unbalanced. After a long period of falling over I finally got used to it and decided to try and learn their language, I wasn't fluent in the end but I was good, good enough to go into the outside world, I turned back into a human, but I was warned that if I told people who i actually was, I would probably be hunted for who I really am. I have heard of hunters before but I didn't know that they actually existed. That day I walked out of the laboratory alone into the world to learn its ways, i found out that i'm in Scotland, but I found a place where I could fit in and become civilized, it was called a school and I said I was a transfer student, we had dorms which was great since I didn't have anyone to go home. I made many friends but that was only the beginning, the rest is yet to come.

On the the actual story

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