Years after the incident

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I begin my first day in my college, I know nobody there but my friend agreed to help me learn the lay of the land. The first day went great and so did the other days as I didn't reveal my true identity but they did have a forest behind the college that I always loved to explore after the day was done. One day I went out to the forest and I sat on a log, I fell asleep, most likely caused by forgetting to sleep that day, then I woke up to me being dragged deeper into the forest. I acted like I was still asleep knowing that I could be too far away for anyone to hear me, as the man that dragged me stopped suddenly, he went to go unlock a door to a small cabin. As he dragged me inside the cabin he grabbed a shotgun and muttered under his breath "how did I forget to do this" he then aimed straight for my head and pulled the trigger, boom! Went my head as I died, my necklace falling off. After that he threw my lifeless body into a hatch in the ground, as my body landed in the pile of other dead bodies I regained consciousness but barely. With a hole in my head I couldn't think straight so with as much thought as I could process I used as much of my strength that I began to regain quickly to stand up and analyze the situation. The place reeked a smell of rotten bodies. As I walked to the wall I noticed a small light coming from the roof I slowely realized that was how I got in here, so I walked over to the hatch and had a little peek through it and saw a man sitting at a table, as I went to get a better view the hatch creaked and the man suddenly got up inspecting the area. I quickly jumped down as the man noticed and he grabbed me before I ran to the wall, he pulled me out of the hatch and pinned me against the wall, he said "how are you not dead" as my head healed quickly I said "I always was different from the others" right when I said that my skin turned into fur as I grew a snout and ears, I then proceeded to bite his neck, blood spewed out as he dropped me in pain, I quickly then slid under his legs and tripped him into the wall knocking him unconscious. I got up and ran as quickly as possible, catching my necklace on the ground and putting it on, now I did mention that I loved to explore around the forest so as soon as I saw a landmark that I knew, I quickly knew where I was. As I ran out of the forest people were everywhere in the courtyard and one of the people noticed me and said "what's that!" I quickly turned back into the forest but headed in a different direction. Apparently a day had passed by and in that day there was a new student. That student saw me running, I went faster and tried to hide myself as quick as possible, later that day I went back into my dorm still in my fluffy form and the student was there staring at me. I said "crap" as I ran into the bathroom she quickly said "what are you?" I turned back human in the bathroom and exited the bathroom, she then said "wait...OMG it's you!" I looked at her closely and realized it's Hana! I then said "btw I had my name officially changed to Dadans since that's my actual name" I said afterwards "still rockin that wheelchair?" She said "yeah, I really wish I could be like you guys and actually walk" suddenly I had a thought, what if I could build her a pair of new legs. And so I did after 3 months she finally mastered them and I went on to get a house.

                              3 years later...

As I gathered all of my friends to the forest where I loved to go I knew deep down that I would most likely regret this. I say "I've been hiding something from all of you for all of this time, and I feel very bad for leaving you all out on this but I've finally gotten over it and I decided I'll tell you all. Now most of you will have known me since 8th grade but that's when it all started" I hesitated for 2 seconds then finally did it. I revealed my true self. They were all in shock as my snout grew out and my tail formed while white fur formed, I said "my real name is Dadans and I've gathered you here for a mission. I've only got one question" i drew a quick breath, then said "who will join me on this adventure! Not right now though but in a few days cause I need to get things ready!" Up went 3 hands they were Ariel's, Brook's, and Hana's. The next day I was at my house and the doorbell rang I opened the door and to my surprise there was a box on the ground with a note on it the note said "hope this helps." As I brought it inside I opened it up and there were instructions inside, they said "swallow the pill and become your true identity" as I thought to myself, I mentally said "I could give this to them and it could help us" the next day I gathered everything and told them to meet up in the forest again to start. As I arrived there I said "so this weird box came to my door and had pills in it that would apparently reveal your true form." As they took the pills nothing happened I said "well let's wait until tomorrow" and it happened the next day.

                             End of chapter 1

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