Alternate universe

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When we stepped foot into the mountain the only thing that we could see was a hole, immediately I knew exactly where we were and couldn't wait to see the expression on Hendrix's face when he found out. When we walked up to the hole I said "Hendrix, I know that you know what this means, we jump in" and when we jumped in we didn't land on a bed of flowers we landed on white ground, I stood up and looked around the only thing I could see was ink, he looked back at me and said "what are you wearing?" I looked at myself and became happy cause I got my jacket back, ink said "did you steal that?" To which I said back "no, this is mine actually" "well I guess I'll have to take your word for it but you do know where we are right?" Ink said, I said to him "yea we are in the multiverse, but how'd we get here?" Ink said back "I don't know there must have been a glitch but I have heard of you and there is this threat that is plaguing the multiverse, I've seen your capabilities and I think that you could help us" I said "well let me see if I can try and train myself before I come face to face with them, I still need to learn how to control this power I have" ink said "I could probably help with that, whatever it is" "it's kind of like a magnetic force that I have around my entire body and I'm trying to see if I can figure out how to control it like a beam" I said back, to which ink responded "yea I think I can help with that, um what do you have in you that is magnetic?" I said "my knife and my sword, nothing else" ink said "alright, let's try and work with that" a few hours later... I tried to pick up my knife from far away without touching it but nothing happened, I learnt over these few hours how to sorta do it properly and with a few tries I got it to come to me but weakly, so I practiced over and over then came the time that we had to do something that ink mentioned during the practice "welp I think it's the right time to meet everybody else, you may be wondering who but I'll show you when we get there" ink said and I said to him "wait, can my friend ari come along I can't wait to see her expression when she sees them!" And with a nod me, Hendrix, and ink went to a au where we all met up in one place and the sky was beautiful, we were in outertale. Right then ink said "hey, are your arms supposed to be black?" I said "no, when did this happen? It's all the way up to my elbows too? Welp, let's just ignore it for now and continue on." And so when we reached the meeting place we all greeted each other, it was the other sanses! Ari was jumping with joy so I let her be with the others and I went towards my favorite of them all, the one that I made, Saan. We greated each other and noticed each other's necklaces, "wow, we have the same necklace!" Said Saan "yours was inspired by mine and yea I'm your creator" I said back. The conversation went on for a while and when we finally reached a point where everybody was tired we called it a day and went back to our au's, when we arrived back to ours we went to sleep and in the next day I woke up earlier than I normally do and I took an advantage to that, so I trained on my skill hours went by and I got a lot better at it. Then came the day that the threat came back and when they came to where we were I noticed it and instantly I knew who it was, god demon. "Rueben?" I said, "no, no, no, wait? God demon." I said again and under my breath I said "cause thats legit what you call yourself all of the time" god demon responded "so you do know of me, but do you know of my power?" I responded "yes, I do know of your power but I think that I can defeat you" he said "haha, well let's see about that"
Instantly I jumped back and god demon came right at me, I dodged in time and grabbed his arm to which then he realized and flung me away. I landed on the wall which was magnetized for some reason and jumped off, he tried to grab my face and throw me but when he did I attached to his arm and held on, when he stopped I jumped off and then my instincts kicked in and I had no more control. I remembered my sword and used it on him, I cut him deep, then he became mad so I dodged and when I went to use the sword on his head he grabbed my left arm, then proceeded to rip it off, along with my jacket, with the last of my adrenaline I went for the chest with my sword and stabbed him. When I pulled the blade out, it made him drop me then a object appeared on the ground, I picked it up after sheathing my sword, and in my condition, ran away to get hendrix and the others. When I arrived at the place I was getting lightheaded and told hendrix to go through the portal with the others cause I'm passing out. And when they did, the last thing I said was "your in charge now, Hendrix" and we appeared in a hallway with statues at the sides with a paper on the ground.

                              End of chapter 5

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