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The first thing I noticed when I went through was buildings. I was alone again but that didn't stop anything and right when I was about to run, I felt a resonance inside of me. It felt like it was saying "reach the end of the city and collect your reward for surviving this long" and so I started to look around, scanning through the area. And then I got started to run, and launched off. I ran faster than I thought and soon enough I reach my first jump, and right then and there I felt like I had to relearn parkour but I still jumped and the very first thing I felt in awhile was the wind around, a song flowed through my head as if it was being played out loud. Beyond by cursed snake, it resonated through my head and played in harmony, but enough distractions, I have something I needed to do. Get to the end, and so I landed on a roof of a building, running like I was desperate but I wasn't. I ran on a wall that came up and leaped onto the building that was next to the wall. I got a running start and jumped over another rooftop, rolling off it to disperse the landing, and jumping on a zipline. I landed on another rooftop and did a safety roll to disperse again, without hesitating I jumped right back up and started running again, the sun was starting to set and I wanted to see the view so I climbed to the highest point and sighed wishing the others were there to see this. "They would be impressed, I'm sure of it." It was dark now but there was a little bit of light, I jumped and landed on the next building, rolling into a crane and jumping off to a wall, I jumped up and reached a pipe on the wall and crawled up it. I leaped to another roof but missed it, out of reflex I threw my sword into the roof ledge and magnetically pulled myself towards it, it was working like a grapple and when I reached the sword I was going so fast that when I grabbed it and yanked it out, I did a front flip onto the roof and landed. I felt a cold feeling all throughout my left side as it signified that that was epic. I took a breather and sheathed my sword then continued to run, I definitely needed better clothes for this, But I kept on running and soon enough I was near the end, but it was more dangerous than normal. I was jumping from platform to platform and swinging off of the pipes and ledges, I climbed so much and by the end of it I was pretty good at parkour. There was another piece on the ground and I picked it up and went through the portal expecting to go to another place.

                            End of chapter 8

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