So it begins

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The next day my adopted parents found out that I was going out on a adventure and told me to come over to there so I drove to their house, when I arrived my mom and my dad were sat down as I entered. My dad said "when you we adopted you, this knife was sent to our door as a gift or close to that I only just barely remember it, but as much as I could remember we hid that knife from you as it was too dangerous for a child so we waited till the time was right and now we can give you this knife" as he pulled it out it was in a black case with red markings on it reading "a knife for the last of our kind" but in a strange language. I knew what it said because it was my homelands language, bendek redikin, my parents didn't know what it said but I was confused when it said "last of our kind" nonetheless, I took the case, they said their goodbyes as I left the house. I drove back home and forgot about the knife but the next day I somehow remembered to bring the knife, I met up back in the woods again with them. The box's instructions said to recite the words to initiate the transformation, checking to see if I had everything I needed to bring, Hana said "wait how are we going to know where to go?" I replied "I have this feeling like I'm being lured to it" I recited the words on the instructions, they said "benfin wregnid kindela, finbes intengeit, loosdeg pelafdec boolgeitin, goodsolentic bef, oof lepdek." After the words were recited Ariel started to throw up blood but Hana and brook turned perfectly fine but with a headache. When the transformation finally finished Ariel turned into Hendrix, a black snake with some blue and orange on his sides, a blue line ran down next to his red underbelly. Brook turned into Nina, a pink haired white cat with unusable wings. Hana turned into nightlight, a black wolf with red paws and eyes. Two seconds after that I felt the feeling of being pulled towards the object, I said "welp, let the adventure begin!" I opened up the knife case raised it up in the sky then I felt it go northwest. At the end of the walk we encountered a cave we entered it as I felt the feeling strongly inside the cave, we ventured through the cave and fell into a trap right at the beginning, we slid deeper into the cave and my necklace started to glow very brightly. we where then met with a very rocky wall, knowing that the others might not be able to climb it I took the sacrifice of holding on to them and by holding I mean letting them hang onto my tail. After the long excruciating pain I had to endure we made it up I said "ok, let's not do that again." We then continued down the cave were we then got ejected into a higher part of the cave, we didn't know how to get down so we looked around and found a little spot where we could jump down safely. As we got down we were faced with a group of people that looked like they were in a tribe so we slowly back away nightlight said "could we get through?" They started to look like they were getting ready to attack so I pulled out my knife and stood my ground. That's when they ran away I sheathed my knife but still stood cautious as I walked down the path. As we walked we encountered four entrances, they all seemed handmade and weren't natural we all split up and went through them separately we were apparently greeted by with a maze as we were soon lost in the loopy labyrinth. We somehow all made it out in one piece and continued down the rocky path ahead. As we went deeper into the cave I heard an explosion from behind us, I said "welp I guess were now trapped, god dangit." We continued down the path again and were greeted with a puzzle of some sorts. We tried to solve the puzzle with the combination being 49357 and nearly got it correct, we tried again but with 10486 but missed it entirely then after 10 attempts we found the combination being 45463. After we put in the combination the door ahead unlocked, we walked past the door slowly being cautious of traps, the walls became rockier then as soon as I knew it I felt the ground shift and immediately knew what it meant. The ground was going to collapse so quickly I pushed everybody towards the wall and told them to grab on as I grabbed on to the wall, then the floor fell and Hendrix said "well you could have just said get on the wall." I responded with a growly voice "next time you say that you won't be able to speak again" he said "was that a threat?" I sighed and said in my normal voice "Come on let's go get to the other side." We climbed to the other side of the pit and landed on the stable ground knowing it wouldn't collapse again, so we continued and I thought "dang, this is a pretty long cave, we must have at least looped in different directions" but still we pressed on. As we reached the end of the tunnel there was a sign that said "it only gets harder from here venture forward and die or succumb to death here" after we read the sign I saw a podium with a white ball within a turquoise ball. There was another sign on the podium that said "let your soul guide you towards the other pieces" as I picked up the piece I felt a surge of energy go through me. I tested to see if the same feeling would happen to everybody else so I gave it to them but nothing happened to them, and when I got it back I felt it again. There was a white looking portal behind the podium and being the dumb dude that I am I jumped through it 2 seconds later I came back through the portal and said "welp, now we know it's safe to go through." We all go through the portal and appear in a.. alternate dimension?

                           End of chapter 2

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