The final fight

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I appeared in a classroom, there were kids in the corner scared, I think they went into lockdown due to the lights being out and the kids in the corner being silent. One of the kids stood up, seeming to know me, I remembered who it was. Ruben, other wise known as God Demon, the species of kaiser von allen, the second strongest species to my kind. I looked at all the pieces that I collected and it clicked on my head, cube, I put them all together and it sprang to life, it went into my shoulder and disappeared. Rueben finally spoke to me "well hello there, who are you?" I responded with my name "I'm dadans" he said back with seriousness in his voice "no, who are you" I responded with my name again in confusion. He was making me question who I really was "who are you, really?" He said again, His words penetrated me like i wasn't who I thought I was, the cube could tell I wasn't sure anymore, i felt something like a chain break inside me, the cube unleashed me, the real me. Immediately I went into a feral form, giant spikes grew from my hind legs, i was the size of a wolf, and horns grew from my head. It wasn't painful but I could finally remember who I was, my real self. "I am Uifolyu Tetsdrsa, the last survivor, and my best friend Uilowean is with me" I said with certainty now, I knew that this was me, Uilowean popped out onto the top of my snout. Ruben gasped a little, surprised that it actually worked "I'm sure you know who I am, God Demon, but I'm looking to destroy the last of the Rygaarn Feners, aka, you" as soon as I heard that I lowered down a bit, defensive stance, I knew he was going to kill me or die trying. "Well let's see how that goes, let's have a deal, either you kill me, or I kill you, deal" I said and he chuckled, "you can't kill a god" I put on the most serious voice "I always find a way" at that moment I pounced, and felt a feeling, I accidentally went back to anthro and had my jacket and pants on, he grabbed a hold of my right arm and the base of my shoulder and got ready to rip it off as well, but right before that, all of my fur went slick and his hand slid right off, he managed to get a few claws in and dig some of my skin out also ripping the sleeve of the jacket off entirely, I used the sleeve of the jacket to clean up the wound and I got really mad, Uilowean knew that I was mad and knew exactly what I was going to do, I went feral again and this time a song went through my head, it was as if I knew I had this power, my spikes started to glow up as you could hear the music coming from my mouth, god demon punch my mouth closed, making me loose balance and stop the charge up, but then I punched back on him, he fell to the ground on his back and It seemed as if I was going to eat him, but I couldn't deep down and instead i grabbed him by the arm with my mouth and ripped it off, he grunted in pain and I became bloodthirsty, so I ripped his other arm off. "how does that feel?" I yelled at him and he pushed my off with his legs. I rolled forward and twisted around to face him, he got up and my eyes were slits, I wanted to charge up again, but that would have left me vulnerable to his attacks so I put my ears back and bolted over to him, I went underneath his legs and slid while turning, I bit into a leg and pulled back, making him fall over. I put one of my paws on his back and charged up, i couldn't think of any songs so I made one up, it was a hardcore hellish dubstep song, the name that resonated with me was "boom doom". I fired and was blasted into the roof by the sheer force of the blast, it blasted into the floor and it blasted me into the room so hard that I went through a portal, god demon was presumed dead. I appeared in a forest with a small clearing, I could feel myself returning back to normal again, i was shivering at the freezing temperature. There was a person there and little did I know, my life would become different from now on. Blood was dripping from my arm as my tail was between my legs, i was too week and tired to fight anymore, I couldn't even talk at that moment. They said


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