The far lands

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As we went through the portal we ended up in a cart fading back into reality. One of the people on the cart said "so, your finally awake, I haven't seen your race at all, what are you?" I responded saying "rygaarn fener" he said "are you sure? you look like a argonian and a khajit combined" I said "yes I'm sure, I'm not a hybrid" judging by the look of the land and the motive of transportation I could tell that we were not in modern times. I asked "where am I" he said "how could you not know, we're in Skyrim" I looked out to the trees. We continued on until we reached whiterun where they dropped us all off, I wondered where everybody else was and began to search for different places. I encountered a little abandoned house that when I went in, I had found a steel dagger. I kept on exploring as I encountered a old temple that had a drouger in it, I killed it, and picked up a ancient Nordic sword, it was strangely lighter in weight and color than the other Nordic sword in the drougers hand next to it, on of the sides of the hand guard had broken off, I went off and continued searching for my friends. I reached a point where I couldn't go on any further and I stood there asking to get in and they said "what information do you have that could aid us in any way?" I said after that "can you at least tell me where I am?" The guard said "you are at whiterun" I said "what type of information are you looking for anyways?" The guard responded "we are looking for some information on the whereabouts of someone by the name of foxy" I quickly said "foxy, I think I know who that is or at least know what he looks like, I'll go look for him and come back" and so I went off in another direction the guard said "wait where did you get that sword from?" I said "I just found it in a abandoned ruin site" the guard said in relief and a hint of terror "oh well then carry on". I went to go to a village called riverwood and when I arrived it was night but I also found Hendrix there, I asked him "do you know where everybody else is?" He said "nah I haven't found them yet" "well that eliminates the potential of them being here" I said while I spotted a strange figure running in the distance. I quickly ran after it ignoring where we were going and suddenly we were near a cliff, not hesitant, I jumped off and when I jumped off suddenly the figure was riding a dragon, when I noticed I suddenly spread my wings and I was driven by my instincts alone, I pulled out my knife and flew to the figure when I reached it I lunged out to reach it but I suddenly came back to my senses and quickly said "who are you" the figure responded in a confused tone with "I'm foxy, how do you not know me?" He looked like a anthro red fox, I said "wait, Gabe?!" "Dadans!" He said back, meanwhile I said back in a confused tone "so your the dovakin" "yep!" He said back in a happy tone, to which I said "why were you running? And can we get down now?" "Yea sure and I was running cause I had to do something really quick, you can't really fast travel" he responded back. As we landed I continued to follow him in secret and we ended up going to this abandoned looking place that was rundown, I immediately recognized this place, Helgen, I wondered why he was in here as he went into the underground keep. I followed him in and what I uncovered was someone else inside there, they were injured, I quickly unsheathed my sword in a reflex of unknown certainty and when I unsheathed my sword I made a noise and I knew my cover was already blown, so I came out and sheathed my sword again and said "so who is this?" Foxy responded, "this is someone who I saved, I never really asked for their name but I went to check up on them... I guess it's too late for them so I gotta kill em" and quickly he sliced their head off and seemed to have no regret for it, as for I said "let's go?" He nodded and left with me. I looked back and almost threw up at the sight of the mutilated body there. On the way back he mentioned something of a artifact and I asked if we could look for it, he agreed, so we set off to look for the artifact and on the way we met hendrix again, which reminded me that we had to look for Nina and Nightlight. On the way to the next town we saw another figure which was dark and I rushed to take a look at it with my sword drawn but when I came closer it was Nightlight, day was rising and when we set off to go to the throat of the world, which was the place that the artifact was mentioned at, we were stopped by a frost troll. I leaped at the wall, clawed onto it securely, and jumped off of it revealing the frost giants back, to which I stabbed my sword through and killed the frost giant in two slices, when we arrived near the top of the mountain we were greeted by a small castle like structure and when we went inside we were greeted by the graybeards and also Nina. Foxy said to them "we are looking to be able to get to the top of this mountain" the graybeards responded, "if you want to reach the top then you must be able to complete the voyage and for that you'll need the elder scroll" so when we heard that with my knowledge I knew exactly where to get the elder scroll, but we needed to go north to a ancient dwemer structure. Once we arrived we had to defeat many dwemer creations and as we went farther in we began to encounter the falmer which were much more powerful, but they were no match for me and foxy. As we reached the end we encountered a ancient sphere and on the ground was a small cube which I put into a space that it fit into. And with the push of a few buttons lights in the roof were aligned and down came a compartment holding the elder scroll and a passageway opened up to where we were lifted up and appeared in a place that was covered in snow, as we came back to the graybeards they noticed that we did have the elder scroll and they let us by. As we reached the top there was a dragon up there that told us of what the elder scroll contained, as he said that I remembered that by using it will unleash alduin and we told the dragon that we were ready, we said yes. We went into a tear in time and used the elder scroll on it, as we used it alduin appeared and with immediate impulse I unsheathed my sword and my instincts activated, I jumped up and tried to grab him and succeeded I slashed the sword onto his wing which cut it clean off, that's when I knew the power of this sword and alduin came tumbling down and we finished him off killing the world eater himself but as we were about to finish him off he said something "WAIT!! Let me tell you something that is important, I know who you are and what you are after Dadans, when you kill me you will have it but it will only be a part of it. Let me tell you something that is also important, you ARE a drago-" as he said that I killed him and said "I'm not a dragon" and suddenly a portal appeared and that told me that it was time to move on, I tried to bring foxy with me but it refused and took me, Hendrix, Nightlight, and nina with it. While we were in the portal a white object emerged that looked like the other object from the previous travel. And soon enough when we finished going through the portal we arrived at a mountain?

                            End of chapter 4

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