A real backstory (TW!)

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(Hiya! Ruby here with a writers note. This chapter was originally not supposed to be made cause of this fact. Warning this chapter contains acts of extreme violence, gore, and visualized blood. This chapter can be skipped but if you don't want to skip it, then don't.)

                Readers discretion is advised

Usually the portal would have taken us straight to the next area but this time it didn't this time. We ended up in another room but this time it wasn't gray, it was multicolored. When I looked around I noticed Hendrix, Nina, and Nightlight running towards me, Hendrix had the same white thing we've been collecting in his hand as he ran at me. When we finally came close Hendrix went for a hug and landed on me, they asked me so many questions like "what happened, where were you, etc" but one stuck out "did you dream of anything while you were... dying that one time?" Nina said out of the blue room, I replied in a kinda confused voice "well I did and if you wanna hear I can tell you! It's kinda brutally disgusting though"  They all shook their heads and so I said "guess not, well let's continue" a portal was sitting there the whole time and we went through. But since you, the readers, might want to know want to know what happened I, Ruby, will now tell.

It all faded to white then objects started to come into existence, like a game loading. Then a strange looking velociraptor popped up from beside me, looking like they were arguing with me about something, I seemed to have been acting like she was my sister and so I was still arguing "just because you are the older sibling, doesn't mean that you always get what you want and that you deserve everything" she interrupted "but at least I'm not asking for something every 2 seconds and acting like I'm having a seizure when I don't get it" I also interrupted "yea? well at least I'm not so mean to everyone and acting like I own the place and everyone is my peasant" she then prepared for something so mean that I reacted poorly "at least I don't hurt people for fun" and then in that moment I became so enraged that I lost control "at least I can not be so rude" I bared my teeth and started to go into a hunting position. My eyes were like little slits and I started to look like I was in a murdering state, she started to back up and look terrified but she said with little confidence "at least I'm not a whiny little bi-" I cut her off as I jumped towards her, luckily we weren't in a public space and were in a spot in the woods after having a small fight over something. As I was on top of her I started to act like I was a real animal and started drooling all over her, she started trying to spit out some the drool. I started to lean in with my mouth getting wider and wider, she realized what I was doing and started to yell out with the most terrified expression ever "HEL-" I cut her off again as I bit the base of her neck, then with that first taste of blood filling my mouth I started to go deeper then I started to dig into her chest and ripping out everything, tearing her face up, her chest, her thighs. They were all destroyed and couldn't be salvaged, chewing on the meat of my dead sister I finally realized what I had done and dropped the meat down, I can't remember anything except for a white flash.

                             End of chapter 9

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