Good night, and good luck!

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I appeared in a plane somehow and with another person next to me, somehow it felt like someone else's memories of the person next to me were being put into my head. I said "you ready to do this Bee?" Bee, the person that was completely black, had a white chest and a trail of blue fur running down his back with, his eyes were a frosty blue with blue running down to his white jaw, his hat was the same color and his wings had fur on the tops of them. He said "yep, I'm ready, but first, here" he threw me a gun and said "don't worry about the ammo" The doors opened and I did a backflip while jumping out, diving headfirst, we were above a city and pretty soon I knew exactly where we were, Harran. I pulled my parachute and went down onto a rooftop, I got there before Bee so I waited for Bee on a roof, and when he arrived we jumped down and immediately got ambushed by bandits, we got ambushed again by zombies and help came our way, we both made it out alive and we were taken to this place called the tower where Rahim had noticed us and offered us both a job, as runners, so he told us to meet him at the roof of the tower but he first told us to go and put our runner outfit on. I asked him if I could keep my current outfit but add the runner outfit over it, he said sure and so I went with my blue jacket as a cape type style over my runner uniform. And soon after we met up at the roof "so your going to have to train to be a runner in order to survive out there, so here get on this crane and meet me at the end" we both jumped on the crane and Rahim said "only one at a time" so I went first as Bee waited calmly. I got to the end of the crane and Rahim said "jump off of this opening in the crane" it was a very high drop, probably two miles down, but without any hesitation I said "all right" and jumped. When I got to the bottom as a joke I yelled "I think I missed the spot, I can't feel anything anymore!!" And then he jumped down and saw me standing there perfectly fine so we continued the test and I passed, same for bee, just a little different at the start of it. When we went back inside Breken, the tower leader, greeted us. Our job was to retrieve antizen drops and come back to the tower. Simple enough I thought, after a lot of going back and forth collecting antizen drops we soon got captured, or should I say I did. Well I finally met Rais, the opposing force of our survival in Harran, he kinda tortured me to give him antizen drops and he broke my wings, which hurt a lot, but I survived and now I'm back at the tower with the antizen drops and a story to tell. "So Rias captured me and tortured me but I still got back alive and with some antizen, good thing, I'm kinda tired and really injured so if ya need me then I'll be in the clinic" I went to the clinic and soon after the messenger came to tell me "I've come to tell you that we have made you some custom parkour gear and it is in your room, that's all" he walked away and I went back to my healing but thought about why people don't see me as how I am and why they don't see fur everywhere on me. I put it off and finished healing, then went to my room and looked at the new gear and I thought "I really love this, it's well made and the colors, it fits me in a way, only problem is my wings" one half was a dark grey and the other was a lighter grey, the hood was a dark shade of light blue, the sleeves had a thumb part that was cut out to fit my hand and the pants had the same light grey with a bronze in the middle going into a dark grey, a darker grey was patched into the back of the knee. Someone was watching me and said "nice right? We used your logo on it too!" Startled I turned around and growled, and he replied "your a odd fellow, not many people growl and sound like a legit animal, except for the fact that your always wearing a fursuit, very odd but really realistic" I said in a kinda humiliated voice "yea well you've just met one" "so imma gonna go now, I have to sort out some of the supplies the runners brought back in today, see ya around?" He said and I nodded back at him. Then I took it off and locked the door, I spread my wings out and winced from the pain, I had to rip them off, I could heal them. I gripped ok of the wings and gave a extremely hard yank, it tore straight off and I covered my mouth to not scream from the pain, I dropped it on the ground then took the other wing and did the same with the other wing, i was bleeding from the nubs, I had to get someone else to remove them, so I went out and got someone to come back, I told them what they needed to do and handed them my knife, I laid down on the bed and got ready for the pain, they cut the nubs off and patched it up as best as possible, I thanked them and let them out, I didn't want to put the jacket on so it wouldn't bleed through so I just put one of the shirts on instead and I went to sleep since it was dark outside. When I woke up there was a alarm goin off, a raid?! Infected?! Now?! I quickly put on my gear over my shirt and went to check out what was going on but the third floor and down was infested with volatiles somehow, I tried to go through the barricade and successfully squeezed through. And so I started to hack as many as I could without getting hit, my skin can be very resilient against anything so I held out longer than the normal people, when I got far I then backed up and pulled my gun out and fired at every one of them, the gun was like a self replenishing plasma rifle. One floor down, two to go, I repeated the process and when I finished I reported to Breken that the floors were cleared and that there were some casualties that needed antizen. I spotted two of the pieces near a dead volatile, still wondering what they were I fixed up the broken UV trap and went out to see if there were any more volatiles nearby. There weren't but when I went to go behind the tower I somehow walked through a portal and am now expecting to go to another place.

                            End of chapter 10

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