Water world

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So as we went through the portal we appeared in a life pod. Nina looked up and said "what is that, a ship? Oh no." Then at that moment the ship exploded through a small window in the roof. A panel then flew off of the wall as alarms started ringing then nocked us all out one by one. As Hendrix woke up he noticed a fire and quickly released himself from the seat and grabbed a fire extinguisher and put the flame out. He then tried to wake everyone else up but nothing happened, he climbed up the ladder that led to the hatch and opened it, climbed out and saw a ship. He questioned himself saying "how did we end up in a life pod?" I then woke up seconds later releasing myself from the seat and falling through the bottom hatch that Hendrix opened but decided not to go through. I soon realized were I was and swam back through the hatch. And said to Hendrix "we are in a water filled planet. This reminds me of  something but I can't remember." he said "well we did apparently crash from a ship and now we are in a lifepod with no clue as to how we got here" I responded with "alternate dimensions?" 1 minute later of exploring the place Hendrix told me "where do you even put the knife?" To which I responded with "I learnt that I give off a somewhat magnetic property that is around my entire body, so I just put it on the side of my left arm" he said "well that's pretty cool, you could probably grab titanium easily from stalkers that way." I said "I didn't even think about that, let's try it" I tried to do it but I could not control where the magnetic field went to so it didn't work. "Crap" I said as we swam to collect the titanium. We head back to the lifepod only to realize that Nina and nightlight were missing, we then head out to look for them but failed then headed back because it was getting dark and found them back in the lifepod. Months pass by and we have now reached the active lava zone and in doing so we find a lava leech that was sucking power out of our cyclops, Nina went outside and smacked it until it fell off. Soon enough my hands started to hurt a bit and I checked to see why but I didn't see anything wrong so we continued on until we were met with a sea dragon leviathan. Instantly I went into the prawn suit and attacked it it then ran off after a few hits I then noticed a giant precursor base and thought "welp, we found what we were looking for" I went back and told everybody else what I discovered, they were in awe as I told them. We then went and entered it, due to the air field that encompassed the building as we went inside the lights turned on as we walked up a ramp into giant room with a pillar producing ion cubes, I said "so this is the place that makes all of these extremely energy rich cubes" nightlight said "ion cubes?" I responded with "yeah I forgot what they were called" Nina said "why are we here again?" Hendrix answered "the sunbeam got shot which was our only escape route but we found a blueprint for the neptune a rocket made for specifically us and now we need to disable the G.U.N so we can escape" as they were talking I went and looked at the pedestals one had a ancient earth relic that was a sword. My hands started to hurt again then I noticed a hint of red on my claws, I ignored it, as I finished looking at the relics we went through a door that led to a pool. I jumped down onto a platform underwater, I looked around and soon felt a bang! As I turned around I saw the emperor leviathan, she said "what are you?" And I said "to be honest I don't know myself, a animal? A human?" She said "anyways, there were others here, but they did not play, will you play with me" I said "sure why not" she said "the only thing they wanted were my eggs, they wanted to see how they work, how we work. The only way to hatch my eggs quickly is a secret but since you are not them, I will tell you. You need to collect a hatching enzyme to hatch my younglings, come" as we swam over to the buried teleportation gate she sat down and began to blow away the sand that buried the gate. I put an ion cube in the receiver then the gate powered on. It gave a green glow as she swam back. Me and my team swam to every location in search of ingredients to make the hatching enzymes. As we came back Nina said "we need a team name" Hana said "how about..." being interrupted by Hendrix, she said "lets discuss this later, now to the mission" and so we continued with what we were doing. We then arrived back at the emperor put the hatching enzymes into the receiver. Two seconds later baby emperor leviathans hatched from the eggs and released enzymes in the form of a gooy substance. Nina put her hand in it know half of what would happen, the substance stuck to her skin and entered her body, she was fine after that. So we all did it then headed threw the portal. Apparently we had a disease and that strange substance cured it. As we went threw the portal we ended up at the G.U.N. and went inside to find the main power. I put my hand on it and the entire facility shut down. We ran outside and saw that the gun was shutting down. We cheered as we realized how we were going to leave. So as we went home we got schematics to a rocket and we started building it. When we finished I felt like I forgot something back at the G.U.N. So I went back to the main power room and saw a little piece on the ground and once I picked it up the feeling went away. I went back to the rocket and prepared for takeoff. 3... 2... 1... blastoff. It was successful and as we approached the outer atmosphere we went into hyper drive and felt the worlds collide, a strange feeling, we ended up somewhere not at home?

                           End of chapter 3

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