The giant ones

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There was a paper on the ground that read "to any body that is trying to help a dying/dead person. There is a rumor that you can go to this place and set the body on the table at the end of the hallway, when you defeat all of the colossus, then the person shall be revived, this is only a rumor though so it may not be true" Hendrix said to the note "that can't be true but better to try it than not" then a random person walked up, they were limping and pretty beat up, they looked like a raptor but not really, they had red and green gradient on their fur, their ears were flicked back and they had a deep purple tone to their eyes. They said "I can help you with that" Hendrix said "how exactly?" The person responded "first of all, hi, I'm Pedalca, who are you?" Hendrix said "I'm Hendrix and over here is nightlight and Nina. The one I have in my hands is Dadans and as you can see his arm is gone and I think he's dying, you think him you can help us with that?" Pedalca answered noticed dadans and had a very friendly tone in his face "yeah, have you heard of the rumor of the place that can bring people back from the dead? Well we are in the place right here right now! So I can help you" Hendrix with a happy tone said "great what do we need to do?" Pedalca said "first we need a sword, he has a sword  so let's use that, but let me see it first" Hendrix hands the sword over and Pedalca remembers something "this isn't a ordinary sword, this sword is infused with something very weird, I don't know what though, anyways, all you need to do is kill the colossi, I'll help you with that part meanwhile you guys can scout for the others, the statues represent the different colossi so when you defeat them all then your buddy will be revived" knowing the challenge, Hendrix accepted "let's go then, so do you know where the first one is?" Pedalca replied "yeah I'm going to go head over there right now while you guys go and look for the others. Let's meet back up in about an hour every time I head out" And so they headed off to look for the others. After an hour Pedalca appeared back at the table. A statue began to glow then it suddenly crumbled to dust, He came over to me and he said "you'll be ok soon Uf-" right before he could finish the sentence Hendrix and the others appeared at the temple, Hendrix said "we found another one" Pedalca responded "great let's go for that one" and so they went again. Another hour went by with my motionless body on the table, Pedalca came over and right before he could even say something the others showed up. This went on for a long time until they finally reached the last statue, Pedalca said "you wanna go for the last one all together?" They all in unison said "yes" and so they left together later they all arrived back and right when they got back I felt something, my fur grew a yellow tint around my knees, hair, feet, and chest. As the last statue broke, Pedalca fell to the ground on his knees, he soon became consumed by darkness, he grew to three times his size and soon we couldn't even recognize him. While this was happening I was slowly regaining my strength, as everybody was paying more attention to Pedalca more than me, grabbed the sword on the ground and said in a weak voice "you couldn't have seen the coming unless if you have played shadow of the colossus, or seen the ending, it was going to end up like this and you were going to go into that pit behind you. There was no stopping this, and who is Uf?" Right when I told the question he started to get sucked into the pit behind him the last thing Pedalca said was "so long I'll see you later, I hope" after Pedalca got sucked in a object flew out and went for my left arm but just went through it cause it's not there anymore. I picked it up and when I picked it up a portal appeared and when we went through it was all grey. "Is this the end?" I said.

                              End of chapter 6

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