Horror Movie Au

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Featured members: Luxiem

Horror Movie Au by Mysta

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All of Luxiem decided to meet each other at an island. A mysterious one, It had a house for some odd reason. It had electricity, food, or anything you need in a house. Shu arrived first, he checked the island if something strange were to pop out. Then soon all of Luxiem arrived to the island. After a few minutes after exploring the island they decided they should relax for a bit. After 40 minutes they heard something that was around the house, they just ignored it. Ike and  Mysta were looking through the 3 bedrooms, Luca was upstairs, Shu and Vox were exploring the house. Luca heard a noise coming from the other room. He decides to check what it was, the lights went off. 

"Huh? What the hell is that??" Luca exclaimed

What could that be? Or What could that be?

Mysta and Ike were together, they also heard a strange noise. They rushed to the nearest room. Then the lights go off. Mysta screamed while Ike stayed silent. When the light finally turned back on Ike saw Mysta laying unconscious. Ike was scared, asking "W-what h-happened?". Ike decided to find the other two (Shu and Vox).

"Shu! Vox! W-where are you guys!" Ike screamed

Ike finally found Shu and Vox. He told them that Mysta was in the room where they were hiding. They hurried to the room where Mysta was. Shu was in complete shock when he saw Mysta covered in blood, while Vox at the back was standing still at the sight of his friend. The three stood there in silence. They completely forgot where Luca was, well Luca is locked upstairs by someone OR something. Vox thought if Ike was with Mysta, Ike killed Mysta and because of Ike looking paranoid. Vox had an argument with Ike.

"Ike I would like an explanation." Vox said

"W-what I didn't do anything!" Ike replies

"Weren't you with Mysta!?" Vox yells at Ike

"Yes I was. I was with him exploring the bedrooms, then we heard a noise. We went to the nearest room as quick as possible. When we went into the room the lights went out. Then there he is, dead, laying unconscious on the floor."

 Vox thought on why was Ike explaining it so calmly.. He took is as a suspicion.

"I know you killed him!" Vox yells at Ike again

 Then Shu went in the argument

"Hey! Both of you stop with the screaming. Vox, I know Mysta's dead but we should find ourselves to safety first, and Ike would never betray us, right?" Shu said with slight fear in his voice.

"Yeah, I would never!" Ike muttered

"And who knows Ike could've been dead too!" Shu added

"You're right.." Vox admitted

"So why don't we think about a plan of escaping this place?" Shu asked

"Why don't we split up?" Ike said

"No, we shouldn't it's way too dangerous for us to split up." Shu replied

After a few minutes of discussing

"I'll stay by myself." Vox said

"Vox are you sure?" Shu asked

"Yes." Vox replied

They were looking for a place to get to safety. While with Vox he was on an edge of a cliff, he saw someone with a knife. "Ike! Shu!". Vox tried to protect him and his friends, but he was thrown off the edge of the cliff. While with Shu and Ike, Ike splitted up with Shu incase he'd find Luca. Shu was searching the area for a boat. After an hour of looking Shu finally found a boat! Luca suddenly came out of the window. "L-luca?! I thought you were a goner! Now hurry to the boat the killer might find us out here!" Shu said. As Luca was hurrying to the boat the killer came out of no  where with a knife, the hood of the killers jacket came off. It was- "Ike!?" the both said. 

"Well looks like all of you fell for my trap.. Haha..." Ike said while being the lunatic he is

"Ike we trusted you!" Shu yelled

 "Once all of you are gone, I can have all the attention of the audience.. What a dream you might say."

Shu stayed silent

"Luca! C'mon!"

Luca ran to the boat.

Gladly he made it

They made it back safely, without the other half of Luxiem


Horror AU by Mysta Rias



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