Teasing || Luca Kaneshiro

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AU: Childhood friends, HS

Livers: Luca Kaneshiro and Pomu Rainpuff

Warning: none


Another bright and early day for online class. You immediately checked your phone if someone messaged you. As you expected, Pomu tried to wake you up again. This is the 5th time this week, om. You went to check if Luca replied to your message. He just left you on read.

An hour later into class, still no reply. You got a feeling that he wouldn't reply at all. BUT HE DID AFTER MATH. Well now is break. He texted you, "Sorry I didn't reply, I got a little busy with hw"

A few hours passed, all of your classes are finally done. You went to get something to eat, then suddenly Ike sent a message to your group saying. "Guys wanna do a group study? I'll make the link for the meeting". You immediately reply with a "sure", since you wanted to interact with Luca. 

Luca made the meeting. You joined immediately, you were just alone with Luca. It was great until one of your classmates joined and screamed into your ears. Well, your peace with Luca is no more. They just started talking with eachother, you had no chance to confess. Eventually they got to the point they asked everyone "who's your crush". Luca didn't answer when they asked. He just sent you your first and last letters of your nickname. Well, there's another person with the same name as you. 

Your emotions started to go everywhere. You don't know if you want to be happy or be disappointed. You started to hesitate to reply. You guessed the other persons' name, it was wrong. You left him on read and tried to think if there's other people with the same name as you. He asked you who is your crush, you replied with. "Oh sorry I'm an aromantic lmao" Which was a total lie. 

He kept on teasing you that day. You already gave him so many hints that you like him, but he doesn't even get it. 

Maybe he was just playing with you now.

T.B.C <3



Hey my little cups 🥰 

If you go on my alt/second account kokor0_wa you can find where I'm referencing this from

Wellll Discord server might get announced soon just working on some bits on moderation soo Next week orrrr thursday 

Thank you for reading~

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