Care ⫽Shu

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AU: None

Warnings: None

Members: Shu 

Part 2 of Worry // Ike

Waking up to a familiar room seeing that someone was beside you. It's someone too familiar to your eyes, but didn't you need your glasses for some reason. "What's happening?" you thought. You got up looking for your glasses, instead you got distracted by something close by. It was someone's clothing, it wasn't yours, maybe it was the person that was sleeping beside you. 

The person sleeping woke up. You didn't know who they were, but you do know they're someone that's familiar. 

"What are you looking for... at"'- they picked up their phone, turning it on to check the time. " five in the morning?"

"....Uhm, my glasses..."

"..Huh??? You don't wear glasses though..."

Just an awkward moment with someone whose probably close to you. Their morning voice was soothing with a little cough here and there. Few minutes later you realize it was Shu. You became red as a tomato. Shu asked why you were red, of course you didn't reply out of shyness. Were you even you? 

Time skip again. Shu seemed to cough a lot more than in the morning and his voice got a little weirder. He was streaming, but it ended early. He went to your room to sleep, while laying down you felt him being very warm. You thought "Is he sick?". I mean he did say his head started to hurt before he ended the stream so he must be sick, right?  

After a debate of "Do I cuddle him??? I mean, he might be cold". And you did cuddle him in the end. You did get flustered while doing it, you slept after a few minutes.



Hi guys how to not go insane :3

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